Practice MCQ Based questions for CUET History Chapter 6 Bhakti-Sufi Traditions Changes in Religious Beliefs and Devotional Texts
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CUET History Questions Objective Types for Chapter 6 Bhakti-Sufi Traditions Changes in Religious Beliefs and Devotional Texts Set-A
History - MCQ on Bhakti-Sufi Tradition
Class XII
Q.1. The Khanqah was the centre of:
a. Social life (True Answer)
b. Cultural life
c. Political life
d. All of the above
Explanation: Khangah was the centre of social life.
Q.2. Tulsidas was the major devotee of:
a. Krishna
b. Shiva
c. Rama (True Answer)
d. Vishnu
Explanation: He was the major devotee of Lord Rama. He composed potery for Lord Rama.
Q.3. Shaik Ahmad was a religious teacher in:
a. Punjab
b. Uttar Pradesh
c. Haryana (True Answer)
d. Delhi
Explanation: Shaik Ahmad was a religious teacher in Haryana.
Q.4. Among the following who was influenced by Islam:
a. Ramanand
b. Namdev (True Answer)
c. Ramanuj
d. Chaitanaya
Q.5. Manikkavachakar was a devotee of:
a. Vishnu
b. Shiva (True Answer)
c. Krishna
d. None of these
Explanation: He was one popular devotee of Shiva. He also composed many beautiful devotee songs.
Q.6. Tauhid-i-Wajudi refers to:
a. Arabi’s doctrine of Unity (True Answer)
b. Religious Book
c. Religious notes
d. All of the above
Explanation: Arabi’s doctrine of unity of being is known as Tauhid-i-Wajudi.
Q.7. In Gujarat famous religious teacher was:
a. Surdas
b. Sri Chaitanaya
c. Vallabhacharya (True Answer)
d. Shankaradeva
Explanation: Vallabhacharya was one most popular religious teacher in Gujarat.
Q.8. The sources used to reconstruct the history of Sufi tradition includes:
a. Sufi thought manuals
b. Collection of letters
c. Biographical accounts
d. All of the above. (True Answer)
Explanation: All of the above sources are the important sources that largely helped in reconstructing the history of Sufi tradition.
Q.9. “Tazkiras” literally means:
a. Collection of letters of saints
b. Written material of saints
c. Bibliographical accounts of saints (True Answer)
d. Conversation of saints
Explanation: It literally means ‘to mention and memorialise’; biographical accounts of saints.
Q.10. Siyar-ul-Auliya was written by:
a. Amir Hasan Sijzi Dehlavi
b. Mir Khwurd Kirmani (True Answer)
c. Naqshbandi Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi
d. Hasan Sijzi Dehlavi
Q.11. The first Sufi Tazkira written in India was:
a. Akhbar-ul-Akhyar
b. Maktubat-i-Imam Rabbani
c. Kashf-ul-Mahjub
d. Siyar-ul-Auliya (True Answer)
Explanation: Siyar-ul-Auliya in the fourteen century was the first sufi tazkira written in India. It wsa written by Mir Khwurd Kirmani.
Q.12. Malfuzat literally means:
a. Conversation of Sufi saints (True Answer)
b. Letters of Sufi saints
c. Revenue accounts of saints
d. None of these
Explanation: It literally means ‘uttered’; conversation of sufi saints.
Q.13. The ideology of Naqshbandi Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi was often contrasted with the views of:
a. Ashoka
b. Akbar (True Answer)
c. Chandragupta Maurya
d. None of these
Explanation: His ideology was contrasted with liberal and non-sectarian views of Akbar.
Q.14. Kabir, Raidas and Surdas were mainly famous in:
a. Uttar Pradesh (True Answer)
b. Madhya Pradesh
c. Himachal Pradesh
d. Haryana
Explanation: Kabir, Raidas and Surdas were the main religious teachers of Uttar Pradesh.
Q.15. Fawa’id-al-fu’ad was compiled by:
a. Ali bin Usman Hujwiri
b. Amir Hasan Sijzi Dahlavi (True Answer)
c. Abdul Haqq Muhaddis Dehlavi
d. None of these
Explanation: Amir Hasan Sijzi Dahlavi compiled it. It was a collection of conversation of Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya.
Q.16. Kirtana-ghosha was composed by:
a. Shankaradeva (True Answer)
b. Surdas
c. Kabir Das
d. Sundaramurti
Explanation: Kirtana-ghosha is one of major composition of Shankardeva. He was a leading religious teacher of Assam.
Q.17. Shankardeva emphasized on:
a. Need for naam kirtan
b. Recitation of the names of the lord in sat sanga
c. Congregations of pious devotees
d. All of the above (True Answer)
Explanation: He emphsised on the all of the mentioned practices. He also encouraged the establishments of monasteries.
Q.18. “Naam Ghar” refers to:
a. Prayer Hall (True Answer)
b. Temples
c. Religious places
d. All of the above
Explanation: “Naam Ghar” refers to prayer halls.
Q.19. The establishment of monasteries was encouraged by religious teachers because:
a. for transmission of spiritual knowledge (True Answer)
b. for name sake
c. to popular their names
d. none of these
Explanation: The establishment of monasteries or Satara was encouraged by them for the transmission of spiritual knowledge in the sub continent.
Q.20. The sources to reconstruct the history of religious tradition include:
a. Sculpture
b. Architecture c. Compositions
d. All of the above (True Answer)
Explanation: The historians use all the mentioned sources to reconstruct the history of the religious tradition.
Q.21. Mirabai is a best known:
a. Writer
b. Poet (True Answer)
c. Princess
d. None of these
Explanation: Mirabai is a best-known woman poet in the bhakti tradition.
Q.22. Mirabai was a devotee of:
a. Rama
b. Vishnu
c. Shiva
d. Krishna (True Answer)
Explanation: She was one of the most popular devotees of Krishna. She recognized Krishna as her lover.
Q.23. Who was the preceptor of Mirabai?
a. Surdas
b. Raidas (True Answer)
c. Kabir Das
d. Ram Das
Explanation: Raidas a leather worker was her preceptor. This clearly shows that she was totally against the caste system.
Q.24. Khalsa Panth was founded by:
a. Guru Govind Singh (True Answer)
b. Baba Guru Nanak
c. Guru Arjan
d. None of these
Explanation: Guru Govind Singh laid the foundation of Khalsa Panth that means army of the pure.
Q.25. The five symbols defined in Khalsa Panth include:
a. Uncut Hair and a comb
b. a dagger and a steel bangle
c. a pair of shorts
d. All of the above (True Answer)
Explanation: The five symbols include uncut hair, a dagger, a pair of shorts, a comb and a steel bangle.
CUET History Questions Objective Types for Chapter 6 Bhakti-Sufi Traditions Changes in Religious Beliefs and Devotional Texts Set-B
Q.26. The tenth preceptor of Sikhism was:
a. Baba Guru Nanak
b. Guru Arjan
c. Guru Govind Singh (True Answer)
d. Guru Tegh Bahadur
Explanation: Guru Govind Singh was the tenth preceptor of Sikhism.
Q.27. Guru Granth Sahib includes the composition of:
a. Baba Guru Nanak
b. Guru Arjan
c. Guru Govind Singh
d. Guru Tegh Bahadur (true Answer)
Explanation: Guru Govind Singh included the compositions of Guru Tegh Bahadur and this scripture was called the Guru Granth Sahib.
Q.28. Baba Guru Nanak was born in:
a. 1459
b. 1469 (True Answer)
c. 1479
d. 1489
Explanation: He was born in 1469 in the village called Nankana Sahib near the river Ravi in the Punjab.
Q.29. Baba Guru Nanak organized his followers into:
a. Community (True Answer)
b. Groups
c. Classes
d. All of the above
Explanation: He organized his followers in to community. He set up rules for congregational worship involving collective recitation.
Q.30. Which one of the following was the preceptor of Baba Guru Nanak?
a. Guru Arjan
b. Guru Angad (True Answer)
c. Guru Govind Singh
d. None of these
Explanation: Guru Angad was the preceptor of Baba Guru Nanak. This practice was followed for nearly 200 years.
Q.31. Adi Granth Sahib by Guru Arjan is complied of:
a. Hymns of Baba Guru Nanak
b. Hymns of four of his successors
c. Hyms of poets like Baba Farid, Raidas and Kabir
d. All of the above (True Answer)
Explanation: Guru Arjan compiled Baba Guru Nanak’s hymns along with those of his four successors and other religious poets like Baba Farid, Raidas and Kabir in the Adi Granth Sahib.
Q.32. “Hymns” included in Adi Granth Sahib is known as:
a. Gurbani (True Answer)
b. Religious Poems
c. Religious songs
d. None of these
Explanation: The hymns included in Adi Granth Sahib are known as “Gurbani”.
Q.33. Kabir word means
a. Popular
b.Great (True Answer)
c. Known
d. Strong
Explanation: Kabir is a Arabic word that literally means ‘Great’.
Q.34. In which of the following the compositions of Kabir was included:
a. Kabirpanth
b. Kabir Granthavali
c. Adi Granth Sahib
d. All of the above (True Answer)
Explanation: In all of these, the compositions of Kabir are found.
Q.35. Special languages of nirguna poets are associated with:
a. Raidas
b. Kabir das (True Answer)
c. Surdas
d. None of these
Explanation: Kabir poems are composed in different languages and dialects. He also composed his poems in special languages of nirguna poets.
Q.36. Who was the disciple of Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya?
a. Suhrawardi
b. Ulugh Khan
c. Shaikh al Islam
d. Amir Khusrau (True Answer)
Explanation: Amir Khusrau was the disciple of Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya. He was also great poet and musician.
Q.37. “Qual” was introduced by:
a. Amir Khusrau (True Answer)
b. Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya
c. Shaikh al Islam
d. Ulugh Khan
Explanation: “Qual” is a Arabic word meaning “saying”. He gave a unique form to the Chisti Sama by introducing qual.
Q.38. Abul Hasan al Hujwiri who wrote a book in Persian called the Kashful-Mahjub was the native of:
a. Iran
b. Iraq
c. Pakistan
d. Afghanistan (True answer)
Explanation: He was a native of Hujwir near Ghazni in Afghanistan.
Q.39. Who was popularly known as “Gharib Nawaz”?
a. Abul Hasan al Hujwiri
b. Khwaja Muinuddin (True Answer)
c. Maktubat-i-Imam Rabbani
d. None of these
Explanation: Khwaja Muinuddin was popularly known as “Gharib Nawaz” (comforter of the poor).
Q.40. Khwaja Muinuddin’s dargah was evidently popular because of the:
a. austerity and piety of its Shaikh
b. the greatness of his spiritual successors
c. the patronage of royal visitors
d. All of the above (True Answer)
Explanation: Khwaja Muinuddin’s dargah was evidently popular because of the all the mentioned factors.
Q.41. Dargah of Shaikh Muinuddin Sijzi is located in:
a. Alwar
b. Ajmer (True Answer)
c. Jodhpur
d. Jaipur
Explanation: Dargah of Shaikh Muinuddin Sijzi is located in Ajmer.
Q.42. Alvars were the devotees of:
a. Vishnu (True Answer)
b. Shiva
c. Krishna
d. None of these
Explanation: Alvars were the devotee of Vishnu. They were responsible for some of the earliest bhakti movement.
Q.43. Nayanars were the devotees of
a. Vishnu
b. Shiva (True Answer)
c. Krishna
d. None of these
Explanation: They were the devotees of Shiva. They travelled from place to place-singing hymns in Tamil in praise of their gods.
Q.44. The main principles of Bhakti movement include:
a. God is one
b. Sacrifice towards God
c. Devotion and praise to God
d. All of the above (True Answer)
Explanation: The principles of bhakti movement are devoted to God. All the saints of bhakti movement have believed in single god.
Q.45. “Nimbarkacharya” was the devotee of :
a. Shiva
b. Vishnu
c. Radha and Krishna (True Answer)
d. All of the above
Explanation: He was a devotee of Radha and Krishna and was the contemporary of Ramanuja.
Q.46. The terms “Great” and “little tradition were coined by:
a. Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya
b. Robert Redfield (True Answer)
c. Suhrawardi
d. Ali bin Usman Hujwiri
Explanation: These terms were coined by a socialist Robert Redfield to describe the cultural practices of peasant societies.
Q.47. The main contribution of Bhakti movement to society:
a. Communal Unity
b. Religious tolerance
c. Uplifting of lower caste
d. All of the above (True Answer)
Explanation: Bhakti movement leads to communal unity as well as religious tolerance. In addition, this movement leads to uplifting of lower classes and awakening among the Sikhs and Marathas.
Q.48. Who were “Murids” in Sufi system?
a. Disciple
b. Follower
c. Believer
d. All of the above (True Answer)
Explanation: The disciple or follower or believer were called murids in Sufi system
Q.49. Guru Nanak died in:
a. 1538 AD (True Answer)
b. 1537 AD
c. 1536 AD
d. 1535 AD
Explanation: He was the founder of Sikhism. He was born in 1469 in Punjab.
Q.50. The main saint of Bhakti movement:
a. Ramanuja
b. Chaitanaya
c. Kabir
d. All of the above (True Answer)
Explanation: Ramanuja, Chaitanaya and Kabir were the three main saints of bhakti movement.