NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics

All Chapters NCERT Textbook for Class 8 Social Science Civics

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics consists of 10 chapters in the syllabus of class 8 and it is a part of social science. Home-tution civics experts prepared details solutions as per the requirements of the CBSE board to provide you with errorless accurate NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics. All the questions asked in the exercise of class 8 civics are solved and are available in printable free pdf.

The right approach to using NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics is to start by reading the chapter theory given in the textbook and make a note of all important points with a good level of clarity on the chapter. Once you understood the chapter solve the questions given in the NCERT textbook exercise by yourself without taking any help from the textbook. After you finish the exercise just check out NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics for reference to understand how to present the answers. Do solve all the questions asked in the NCERT textbook with the help of NCERT Solutions for class 8 prepared by HT in an easy and lucid language all NCERT Solutions are errorless and accurate. 

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Social Science - Download Free PDF

Introduction to Chapters in NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics

  • Chapter-1 The Indian Constitution
  • Chapter-2 Understanding Secularism

In this chapter, we will discuss and learn the difference between secularism and Indian secularism and why it is important to Separate Religion from the State? or the reasons to have separate religion from the State in democratic societies. Moreover, this chapter will answer the various questions like why the government banned untouchability? In what way is Indian secularism different from that of other democratic countries?

  • Chapter-3 Why do we need a Parliament?

In this chapter, we will discuss and learn the role of people in choosing their representatives is? What is the role of Parliament in our country, and who are the peoples in Parliament? After reading this chapter, you will be able to answer the big question why should people decide in democracy?

We will try to see how the Parliament enables citizens of India to participate in decision-making and control the government, thus making it the most important symbol of Indian democracy and a key feature of the Constitution.

  • Chapter-4 Understanding Laws

The chapter begins by discussing how this rule of law emerged and how the nationalists opposed the arbitrariness of British laws. Next, this chapter will discuss the Parliament, which makes laws. However, do these laws apply to everyone? How do new laws come into being? Could some laws be unpopular or controversial? What should we as citizens do under such circumstances? In such circumstances, do we need access to the courts? The chapter begins by discussing how this rule of law emerged and how the nationalists opposed the arbitrariness of British laws.

  • Chapter-5 Judiciary

In this chapter, we will discuss and learn what an independent judiciary is, the judiciary's role, the structure of courts in India, the Different Branches of the Legal System? and at last, does everyone have access to the courts? By reading this chapter, you will know that to enforce this rule of law; we have a judicial system that consists of the mechanism of courts that a citizen can approach when a law is violated. As an organ of government, the judiciary plays a crucial role in functioning India's democracy. It can play this role only because it is independent. What does an 'independent judiciary' mean? Is there any connection between the court in your area and the Supreme Court in New Delhi?

  • Chapter-6 Understanding Our Criminal Justice System

In this chapter, we will discuss and learn about the roles of the Police in Investigating a Crime, the public prosecutor, and a judge? At the end of this chapter, you will also get an idea about the basic term- what is a fair trial? If a person is arrested, who will decide whether the accused person is guilty or not? According to the Constitution, every individual charged with a crime has to be given a fair trial.

  • Chapter-7 Understanding Marginalisation

This chapter will explain Adivasis, its development and minorities, and their marginalisation. In this chapter, we closely look at how inequality affects different groups and communities by introducing the concept of marginalisation or exclusion from the mainstream. The chapter focuses on three groups, namely the Adivasis, the Muslims and the Dalits. These three groups have been chosen because the causes that contribute to each group’s marginalisation are different, and they sometimes experience marginalisation in different ways.

  • Chapter-8 Confronting Marginalisation

In this chapter, we will see why the Constitution of India is something that marginalised groups invoke in their struggles. As part of this, we will look at how rights are translated into laws to protect groups from continued exploitation. We will also look at the government's efforts to formulate policies to promote these groups' access to development. In this chapter, we will also read about how groups and individuals challenge existing inequalities. Adivasis, Dalits, Muslims, women, and other marginal groups argue that they possess equal rights that must be respected simply by being citizens of a democratic country. Many among them look up to the Constitution to address their concerns.

  • Chapter-9 Public Facilities

In this chapter, we will learn about and discuss the water situation in Chennai. Is it available to all? Moreover, what other essential facilities need to be provided for everyone and what is the role of government in fulfilling these amenities? In this chapter, you will also get an idea about the Constitution of India recognises the right to water as being a part of the Right to Life under Article 21.

  • Chapter-10 Law and Social Justice

In this chapter, we will learn and discuss why do we need a law on minimum wages? Why do you think enforcement of safety laws is important in any factory? Why do we need new laws to relate to the protection of the environment? This chapter also explains how the government can control the activities of individuals or private companies to ensure social justice.

Frequently Asked Questions

The key features of using the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics are as follows.

  1. The NCERT Solutions are prepared and developed by individual subject experts in a stepwise manner as per the latest CBSE guidelines and checked by expert tutors.
  2. All the solutions are explained in simple language to aid students to comprehend the main topics with adequate information.
  3. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics are uploaded chapter-wise and in free pdf format.
  4. Diagrams, charts and tables are added to the solutions as per the relevance to improve the visual learning skills of students.
  5. Students can easily access the solutions in both online text and offline PDF modes.

Yes, the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics at is completely free of cost. You can download chapter wise pdf of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics. If you face any difficulty while understanding the concept of civics you can take help from the home tutor register on our platform, we are providing a free home demo for two classes.

Yes, you can score full marks in the Class 8 exam using NCERT Solutions from the syllabus of Class 10 civics consists of 8 chapters namely

  • Chapter 1 The Indian Constitution
  • Chapter 2 Understanding Secularism
  • Chapter 3 Why Do We Need a Parliament?
  • Chapter 4 Understanding Laws
  • Chapter 5 Judiciary
  • Chapter 6 Understanding Our Criminal Justice System
  • Chapter 7 Understanding Marginalisation
  • Chapter 8 Confronting Marginalisation
  • Chapter 9 Public Facilities
  • Chapter 10 Law and Social Justice