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Cot-Tan Formula

About Cot-Tan Formula

The sides of a right-angled triangle are divided into six trigonometric ratios. The Tan is the right triangle's altitude to base ratio, while the Cotθ is the right triangle's base to altitude ratio. Cotθ and Tanθ have an inverse connection according to the cotθ-tanθ formula.

Relationship between Cotθand Tanθ ?

The two trigonometric ratios of Cotangent and Tangent are inversely connected in this cotθ - tanθ formula. Tan is the height to base ratio of a right triangle, and Cotθ is the base to altitude ratio of a right triangle.

  1. Tanθ = Altitude / Base
  2. Cotθ = Base / Altitude
  3. Cotθ = 1 / Tanθ

Solved example based on Cot-Tan Formula

Example:The value of Tanθ=47. Find the value of Cotθ.


it is given that Tanθ=47.



Example:The altitudeof a right triangle is 9 units and the base of the triangle is 13 units. Find the values ofTanθandCotθ.

Sol: it is given that Altitude = 9 units and Base = 13 units.



Answer:Tanθ = 9/13, Cotθ = 13/9

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