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Formula For Dividing Fractions

The formula for Dividing Fractions

What Does Dividing Fractions Mean?

Multiplying fractions by reversing one of the two fraction numbers or writing the reciprocal of one of the fractions is the same as dividing fractions. When we say reciprocal, we imply that if a fraction is written as a/b, the reciprocal is b/a. As a result, the numerator and denominator positions are switched around.
a/b ÷ c/d = a/b × d/c

How Do You Split Fractions?
Fraction division can be classified in three different ways. They are

  • Fraction division by a fraction
  • Fraction division by a whole number
  • Fraction division by a mixed fraction

Fraction division by a fraction
Step 1: Multiply the second fraction number by the reciprocal of first fraction number.
Step 2: Multiply both fractions' numerators and denominators.
Step 3: Make the fraction number simpler.

If a/b is a fraction that is divided by c/d, we can solve the division as follows:


  • a/b ÷ c/d = a/b × d/c
  • a/b ÷ c/d = a×d / b×c
  • a/b ÷ c/d = ad/bc

Fraction division by a whole number

  1. The denominator value of 1 is used to turn the whole number into a fraction.
  2. Take the number's reciprocal.
  3. Now divide the fractional value by a fraction.
  4. Make the fraction number simpler

Fraction division by a mixed fraction

  1. Convert the improper fraction from the mixed fraction.
  2. Take the improper fraction's reciprocal now.
  3. Multiply the derived fraction by the fraction given.
  4. Make the fraction number simpler.

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