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Frustum Of A Regular Pyramid Formula

Frustum of A Regular Pyramid Formula

The frustum is a pyramid formed by slicing the top off of a conventional pyramid. It's termed a truncated pyramid for this reason.
The height of the pyramid is the distance between its base and top, denoted by h. It, too, has a slant height represented by "s," as well as two bases (top and bottom) whose area is described by "a", B1 and B2.

We need to find the lateral surface area and the volume of Frustum of the regular pyramid formula.
V = h(B1 + B2 + B1B2)3
Here, S = Lateral Surface Area, P1 and P2 = Perimeter of Bases, h = Height, B1 and B2 = Area of bases, s = Slant height, V = Volume

Find solved example of Frustum Of A Regular Pyramid Formula

Example: Find out volume of a frustum of a regular pyramid whose area of bases are 9 cm2, 10 cm2respectively and height is 9 cm.

B1 = 9 cm2
B2= 10 cm2
h = 9 cm

Volume Formula,
V = h(B1+B2+B1B2)3
V = [9(9 + 10 + √9 x 10)]/3
V = [9(19 + √90)]/3
V = 57 + 9√10
V = 57 + 28.458
V = 85.458 cm3


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