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Speed formula

About Speed formula

The speed formula defines the rate at which an object travels a certain distance. The distance traveled by a body in a certain time is known as speed. m/s is the SI unit of speed. We'll study more about the speed formula and its uses in this section.

What is the speed formula?

Let's move on to the next part and learn more about the speed formula. Speed can be expressed in a variety of ways, including m/s, km/hr, miles/hr, and so on. [LT-1] is the dimensional formula for speed. The rate at which a body move is called speed. The procedure for calculating a body's speed is as follows:

Formula for speed

Speed = distance ÷ Time

How to use the speed formula?

The speed formula can be used to calculate the speed of objects given their distance and travel time. We can also use the speed formula to compute distance or time by inserting known values for speed in the formula and calculating distance = Speed Time or Time = Distance/Speed.

Let's look at a simple example of how to apply the formula for speed.

Example: Find the speed if a body travels 1000 m in 10 minutes?

Solution: Using Formula for Speed,

Speed = Distance ÷ Time

Speed = 1100 ÷ (10 × 60) = 1.66 m/s

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