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Chapter-Geomorphic Processes

Important MCQ-Based Questions for class 11 Geography chapter-Geomorphic Processes

This page consists of Important MCQ questions from chapter-Geomorphic Processes uploaded as per the CBSE syllabus and consists of a detailed explanation. Questions are prepared from the entire chapter-Geomorphic Processes to give you effective revision. 

Find below MCQ-Based Questions for class 11 Geography chapter-Geomorphic Processes

Important MCQ-based questions Geography class 11 chapter-Geomorphic Processes Set-A

Geography - MCQ on Geomorphic Processes

Class XI

Q.1. Which one of the following is a gradational process?

a) Deposition

b) Volcanism

c) Diastrophism

d) Erosion



Q.2. Which one of the following is affected by hydration process.

a) Granite

b) Clay

c) Quarts

d) Salts



Explanation: - This process is common in the arid regions of the world. Salts expand due to rise in temperatures and this process causes weathering of rocks after some time.

Q.3.Debris avalanche can be included in the category of:

a) Landslide

b) Rapid flow mass movement

c) Slow flow mass movement

d) Subsidence


(b)Rapid flow mass movement

Q.4. Weathering can be defined as:

a) Breaking of rocks.

b) The action of elements of weather and climate over earth materials

c) Presence of irregularities over the earth surface.

d) All the above.


(b)The action of elements of weather and climate over earth materials

Q.5. In weathering:

a) No motion of material takes place

b) Materials move from one place to another

c) The deposition of material takes place

d) None of the above


(b)Materials move from one place to another

Q.6. Solution, Carbonation, Hydration, and Reduction are the part of:

a) Mechanical weathering.

b) Chemical weathering

c) Physiological weathering

d) Not a type of weathering


(b)Chemical weathering

Q.7. Frost wedging is common in:

a) Riverine lands

b) Glaciated lands

c) Arid lands

d) Hot and humid areas


(b) Glaciated lands

Q.8. Exfopation refers to:

a) Weathering of rocks

b) Weathering of rocks by the action of animals

c) Breaking up of rocks

d) None


(b) Weathering of rocks by the action of animals

Q.9. Weathering is an important process in the formation of:

a) Rocks

b) Soils

c) Stones

d) Valleys


(b) Soils

Q.10. The most important determinant of resistance of rocks to weathering is:

a) Hardness

b) Jointing

c) Permeability

d) Porosity


(c) Permeability

Q.11. The capacity of rocks to allow water to pass through it is called

a) Porosity

b) Permeability

c) Jointing

d) Hardness



Q.12.What is mass movement?

a) Movement of people on large scale

b) The movement which transfers rock debris down the slopes

c) Movement of animals

d) All


(b)The movement which transfers rock debris down the slopes

Q.13.Mass movement favoured by:

a) Torrential and abundant rain

b) Scarcity of vegetation

c) Rock nature

d) None


(a)Torrential and abundant rain

Q.14. Which one of the following is not a form of mass movement.

a) Flow

b) Spde

c) heavy

d) Expansion



Q.15. Which one of the following is not a slow mass movement

a) Creep

b) solifluction

c) Mud flow

d) None


(c)Mud flow

Q.16.Which one of the following is not a rapid mass movement

a) Earth flow

b) Mudflow

c) Debris avalanche

d) Land slide


(d) Land slide

Explanation: - Land slide are relatively rapid and perceptible movements.

Q.17. Which one of the following is not included in land slide.

a) Slump

b) Debris spde

c) Rock spde

d) All are included


(d)All are included

Q.18. Slump is:

a) Slipping of rocks debris with a backward rotation

b) Slipping of rocks without backward rotation

c) Slipping of rock masses down bedding

d) None


(b)Slipping of rocks without backward rotation

Q.19. Which one of the following help in aerating the soil.

a) Micro fauna

b) Meso fauna

c) Macro fauna

d) All the above


(b) Meso fauna

Explanation: - Meso fauna comprises worm like animals they help in aeration and mixing mineral and organic matter.

Q.20 . Rock slides are more common over

a) Horizontal slopes


b) Vertical slopes

c) Low slopes

d) None


(b) Vertical slopes

Q.21. Soil profile refers to:

a) Its horizontal layers

b) Its vertical layers

c) Groups of soil grain

d) None of the above


(a) its horizontal layers

Q.22. Which one of the following has minimum humus?

a) Grey desert soils

b) Red desert soils

c) Chestnut soils

d) Chernozem


(b) Red desert soils

Q.23.Which of the following is not correct?

a) Destructional activities of waves produce sea cpffs.

b) Depositional activity of wind produces loess plains and sand dunes.

c) Constructional activity of soil movement produces landspde movements.

d) Destructional activity of volcano eruption leads to lava plains and crater lakes.


(c) Constructional activity of soil movement produces landspde movements.

Q.24.Which of the following is not true.

a) Formation of V-shape valley is not a characteristic of youthful topography.

b) Maximum erosion characterises mature stage topography.

c) Plateau is a landform of mature stage topography.

d) Delta is a feature of old age topography.


(a) Formation of V- shape valley is not a characteristic of youthful topography.

Q.25. Which one is wrongly matched

a) Fault and fold mountain---Earth movements

b) Deltas and flood plains.----Fluvial effect.

c) Coral reefs-----Glacial activity

d) Morains-----Glacial activity.


(c) Coral reefs ----Glacial activity.

Exp. coral reefs are formed due to the accumulation of calcareous organisms.

Q.1. Which are the forces that continuously elevate or build up parts of the earth’s surface?

a. exogenic forces

b. endogenic forces

c. gradation

d. degradation



Explanation: Endogenic forces are continuously building up the earth’s surface. The internal forces within the earth are known as endogenic forces.

Important MCQ-based questions Geography class 11 chapter-Geomorphic Processes Set-B

Q.1 All the movements either within or on the earth’s surface is caused due to:

a. earthquakes

b. gravity

c. gradient

d. plate tectonics



Explanation. All the movements are due to gradients- from higher levels to lower levels, high pressure to low pressure areas etc.

Q.2 Which are the minerals involved in the process of oxidation?

a. iron

b. manganese

c. sulphur

d. All of the above



Explanation. Oxidation means a combination of a mineral with oxygen to oxides or hydroxides.