NCERT Class 4 EVS Chapter 1 Going to School

ClassClass 4
ChapterNCERT Class 4 EVS Chapter 1 Going to School
Chapter NameChapter 1 Going to School
CategoryNCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 1. Going to School

This page consists of NCERT Solutions for class 4 EVS Chapter 1. Going to School, all the questions asked in Chapter 1. Going to School is solved with the required details. 
Introduction of NCERT Solutions for class 4 EVS Chapter 1. Going to School
In this chapter, students will learn about the different commutation mediums by which they can go to school as the chapter starts with the bamboo bridge, and how students use bamboo bridges. 
Do you have such vehicles in your area?
In chapter-Chapter 1. Going to School, you will get to know the answer to the following questions like
What do you call them in your area?
Would you like to ride in something like this? Why? Can you tell why it is called jugad?
The jugad has been made by using waste material. Why don’t you also try to make something by putting together some waste material?

Few answers to the questions asked in the textbook are 


Collect some bricks. Lay them on the ground in a line as shown in the picture. Try walking on them. Was it easy?

Not at all. It was really difficult to walk on the bricks. All the time we were walking, we had to balance ourselves.
Question 2:
Make a small bridge by tying 4 or 5 bamboo poles together. Ask your teacher to help you. Now walk on your bridge. How did you feel? Did you fall down? If you walk like this a few times, you will start finding it easy.

Yes, we made a bridge by tying 5 bamboo poles and started walking on it.
No, we did not fall down, and it was difficult only for the first few times.
Question 3:
Do you think it would be easier to walk on this bridge barefoot or with shoes or slipper? Why?

It was easy to walk on this bridge barefoot. With shoes on, we found it difficult to balance and walk on this bridge.
Question 4:
Observe pictures 1 and 2. In the pictures, children are pulling the buckets from the well. Can you tell the difference in both the pictures? Which would be easier —using the pulley or not using it to lift things

Yes, I can see the difference in both pictures. In picture 1, the boy is manually lifting the bucket. But in picture 2, the boy is lifting the bucket with the help of a pulley.
Using a pulley would be easier to lift things.
Question 5:
Look around you—where all do you see the use of pulleys? List them.

We see pulleys around us, such as,
1. Wells with a pulley system to hoist buckets
2. Pulleys at construction sites to lift and place heavy materials 3. Crane
4. Bulldozer

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