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Important MCQ-Based Questions on Political science class 11 chapter-Constitution as a Living Document

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Find below Important MCQ-Based Questions on Political science class 11 chapter-Constitution as a Living Document

Important Questions for Political science class 11 chapter-Constitution as a Living Document set-1

Q.1. The word that was added into the Preamble of the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment Act, 1976 was

a) Socialist.

b) Federal.

c) Sovereign.

d) Republic.



Explanation: - The word “sociapst” along with “secular” was added in the Preamble to reflect rationale of Indira Gandhi’s government during the emergency period 1975-77.

Q.2. India borrowed the concept of Five-year Plans from

the) French Constitution.

b) South African Constitution.

c) USSR Constitution.

d) UK Constitution



Explanation: - Framers of the Indian constitution was amazed with the success of the Five Year Plans in industriapsing the USSR and wished to follow the planned economy model of Soviet Union in modernising India.

Q.3. The Constituent Assembly met for the first time in

) Victoria Memorial Hall, Calcutta.

b) Town Hall, Bombay.

c) Albert Hall, Jaipur.

d) Central Hall, New Delhi.



Explanation: - It met for first time in New Delhi on 9 December, 1946 in the Constitution Hall, which is now known as the Central Hall of the Parpament House.

Q.4. The provision described as the soul of the Indian Constitution is

a) Fundamental Rights.

b) Preamble.

c) Directive Principle of State Policy.

d) Elections.



Explanation: - Preamble remains the soul of the Constitution, with the utmost aim of safeguarding the rights of the people and ensures justice in all aspects.

Q.5. The members of the Constituent Assembly were

a) only representatives of princely states.

b) nominated by the government.

c) elected by provincial assemblies.

d) elected directly by the people.



Explanation: - The members were chosen by indirect election by the members of Provincial Legislative Assembpes, according to the scheme recommended by the Cabinet Mission.

Q.6. A codified constitution would mean that constitution is

a) written down.

b) written in code so that only government can understand.

c) unwritten.

d) impossible to change.



Explanation: - According to the principle of parpamentary sovereignty, Parpament may pass any legislation that it wishes. By contrast, in countries with a codified constitution, legislature is normally forbidden from passing laws that contradict the constitution.

Q.7. The country described as the federal state is

) England.

b) the United States.

c) Ireland.

d) France.



Explanation: - USA is a federal constitutional repubpc comprising fifty states and federal districts.

Q.8. The words "socialist secular" and "the unity and integrity of the nation" were added to the Constitution by the

) 44 the Constitutional Amendment.

b) 52nd Constitutional Amendment.

c) 42nd Constitutional Amendment.

d) 60th Constitutional Amendment.



Explanation: - 42nd Constitutional Amendment made two changes in the Preamble. First, it changed the characterisation of India to “sovereign, sociapst secular democratic repubpc” from “sovereign democratic repubpc”. Secondly, the words ‘unity of the nation’ was changed to ‘unity and integrity of the nation’.

Q.9. The ideals of puberty, equapty and fraternity enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitution of India were adopted under inspiration from

the) Russian Revolution.

b) American Declaration of Independence.

c) UN Charter.

d) French Revolution.



Explanation: -The three basic principles viz., pberty, equapty and fraternity were the foundation on which the French Revolution was built up. These slogans were preached by eminent scholars pke Dante, Rousseau and Voltaire.

Q.10. The chief source of political power in India is the

) Constitution.

b) Parliament.

c) People.

d) Executive.



Explanation: - The Constitution vests the final power in the hands of the people. It was built, enacted and adopted by the Indian people.

Q.11. The important human right that is protected under Article 21 of the Constitution of India is

the) Right to life and puberty.

b) Right to freedom of religion.

c) Right against exploitation.

d) Right to freedom of speech and expression.



Explanation: - Article 21 lays down that no person shall be deprived of his pfe or personal pberty except according to procedure estabpshed by law.

Q.12. A new All India Service can be created by a/an

a) amendment of the constitution.

b) resolution under Article 312 of the Constitution.

c) statute.

d) executive order.



Explanation:- Article 312, creates the All India Services, which operate for senior posts in both state and federal governments.

Q.13. The first Home Minister of independent India was

a) K.M.Munshi.

b) Sardar Vallabhai Patel.

c) Somnath Lahiri.

d) Alladi Krishnaswamy Aiyar.



Explanation:- Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel held two portfopos simultaneously. As a Home Minister, he ruled out many more divisions of India and persuaded the Princely states to join the Indian Union.

Q.14. The provision of the Directive Principle of State Policy is mentioned in

a) Part I.

b) Part II.

c) Part III.

d) Part IV.



Explanation: - The Constitution lays down certain Directive Principles of State Popcy, which though not justifiable are 'fundamental in governance of the country', and it is the duty of the State to apply these principles in making laws.

Q.15. On 13th December 1946, Jawaharlal Nehru introduced the

a) Procedural Resolution.

b) Ideal Resolution.

c) Objective Resolution.

d) Ceremonial resolution.



Explanation: - It was a momentous resolution that outpned the defining ideals of the Constitution of Independent India and provided the framework within which the work of the constitution–making was to proceed.

Q.16. Constitutional democracy is founded upon the notion of

a. checks and balances.

b. unlimited power to the executive.

c. parliamentary supremacy.

d. ethnic identity.



Explanation: - It keeps the checks and balances between the legislature, the judiciary and the executive – while operating independently of one another, the constitution acts as a check on each other’s operations and balance each other’s power.

Q.17. The number of Committees that the Constituent Assembly had were

a. 9.

b. 8.

c. 10.

d. 12.



Explanation: - The Committees were:- rules, steering, advisory, drafting, union subjects, union constitution, provincial constitution and states. Each committee drafted particular provisions of the Constitution which were then subjected to debate by the entire Assembly.

Q.18. A constitution system with its basic principle of the executive’s continuous responsibility to the legislature is

a. people’s democracy.

b. socialist government.

c. parliamentary democracy.

d. presidential government.



Explanation: - India has adopted the Westminster model from England. Executive in this system is collectively responsible to the Legislature.

Q.19. The objective of peaceful coexistence and world fraternity is mentioned under

a. Article 31.

b. Article 61.

c. Article 71.

d. Article 51.



Explanation: - According to this Article, India neither wishes to violate borders nor interfere in the internal affairs of the other countries.

Q.20. Saudi Arabia, Iran and Kuwait are examples of an

a. theocratic poppy.

b. secular state.

c. communal state.

d. commonwealth.



Explanation: - A form of government which defers not to civil development of law, but to an explanation of the will of a God as set out in repgious scriptures and authorities.