What Are The Scoring Topics In JEE Advanced 2025

The JEE Advanced is known as one of the toughest exams globally. To qualify for JEE Advanced, candidates must first clear the JEE Main exam and rank among the top 2,50,000 candidates. The JEE Advanced consists of two compulsory papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2. Candidates must pass both papers to gain admission to prestigious IIT colleges. Below, you can find the important scoring topics for JEE Advanced 2025.

What Are The Scoring Topics In JEE Advanced 2025

JEE Advanced 2025 Exam Overview

Candidates preparing for the JEE Advanced 2025 must appear for both Paper 1 and Paper 2. Only those who qualify in JEE Main can take this exam. Check out the key exam details below:

JEE Advanced 2025 Exam Pattern
Particulars Details
Mode of Exam Computer-based examination
Total Papers Paper 1 & 2
Exam Duration 3 hours
Language of Examination English, Hindi
Type of Questions Multiple choice questions (MCQs), NAT (Numerical Aptitude Questions)
Total Sections
  1. Section 1: 08 questions,
  2. Section 2: 06 questions,
  3. Section 3: 04 questions
JEE Advanced Total Questions 54 Questions
Physics Total Questions 18 Questions
Biology Total Questions 18 Questions
Mathematics Total Questions 18 Questions
JEE Advanced Marking Scheme
  1. Single Correct Answers: 3 marks,
  2. Multiple Correct Answers: 4 marks,
  3. Wrong Answers: -1 marks or -2 marks

Also Check: JEE Advanced 2025 Chapter Wise Weightage

Physics Weightage for JEE Advanced

Physics is a significant section in JEE Advanced, carrying 120 marks. The table below shows the topic-wise distribution of marks for Physics:

Physics Weightage For JEE Advanced 
Unit and topic name Total number of questions Total marks (%) Weightage
Physics 38 120 100%
Electrodynamics 12 34 28%
Alternating Current 2 4 3%
Capacitance 2 4 3%
Current Electricity 1 4 3%
Electro Magnetic Field 2 8 7%
Electro Magnetic Induction 3 10 8%
Electrostatics 2 4 3%
Heat & Thermodynamics 4 13 11%
Heat Transfer 1 4 3%
KTG & Thermodynamics 3 9 8%
Mechanics 14 43 36%
Centre of Mass 4 8 7%
Error in Measurement 1 3 3%
Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter 3 8 7%
Gravitation 1 4 3%
Rigid Body Dynamics 4 16 13%
Unit & Dimension 1 4 3%
Modern Physics 4 15 13%
Modern Physics 2 8 7%
Nuclear Physics 2 7 6%
Optics 3 11 9%
Geometrical Optics & Physical Optics 3 11 9%
SHM & Waves 1 4 3%
Sound Waves 1 4 3%

Chemistry Weightage for JEE Advanced

The Chemistry section in JEE Advanced also carries 120 marks, divided into Inorganic, Organic, and Physical Chemistry. Check the weightage breakdown:

JEE Advanced Weightage Chemistry
Unit and topic name Total number of questions Total marks (%) Weightage
Chemistry 38 120 100%
Inorganic Chemistry-II 9 33 28%
Coordination Compounds 3 11 9%
Metallurgy 1 4 3%
Qualitative Analysis 3 10 8%
p-Block 17-18 Group 1 4 3%
p-block (15-16 Grp) 1 4 3%
Organic Chemistry-I 2 8 7%
Hydrocarbon 1 4 3%
Practical Organic Chemistry 1 4 3%
Organic Chemistry-II 10 32 27%
Aromatic Compounds 3 12 10%
Biomolecules 1 4 3%
Hydrocarbon (Alkane, Alkene & Alkyne) 3 9 8%
Stereoisomerism 1 3 3%
Aldehyde Ketone 2 4 3%
Physical Chemistry-I 9 24 20%
Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemistry 1 4 3%
Chemical Equilibrium 2 4 3%
Equivalent Concept 4 8 7%
Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry 2 8 7%
Physical Chemistry-II 8 23 19%
Chemical Kinetics 1 4 3%
Electrochemistry 3 8 7%
Solid State 1 3 3%
Surface Chemistry 1 4 3%
Solution & Colligative Properties 2 4 3%

Also Check: JEE Advanced 2025 Exam Pattern

Mathematics Weightage for JEE Advanced

Mathematics also contributes to 120 marks in JEE Advanced. Key topics include Coordinate Geometry, Integral Calculus, and Probability. Here's the topic-wise breakdown:

JEE Advanced Weightage Mathematics
Topic Name Total number of questions Total marks (%) Weightage
Mathematics 38 120 100%
Complex Numbers 2 7 6%
Complex Numbers 2 7 6%
Coordinate Geometry 9 25 21%
Circle 3 9 8%
Ellipse 1 4 3%
Parabola 3 8 7%
Straight Line 2 4 3%
Differential Calculus 3 8 7%
Application of Derivatives 3 8 7%
Fundamentals of Mathematics 1 4 3%
Fundamentals of Mathematics 1 4 3%
Integral Calculus 8 25 21%
Area under curve 1 3 3%
Definite integration 6 18 15%
Differential equation 1 4 3%
Matrix & Determinants 4 12 10%
Matrices & Determinants 4 12 10%
Permutation & Combination 1 4 3%
Permutation & Combination 1 4 3%
Probability 5 15 13%
Probability 5 15 13%
Trigonometry 3 12 10%
Inverse Trigonometric function 1 4 3%
Solution of Triangle 1 4 3%
Trigonometric Ratio & identities 1 4 3%
Vector and 3D 2 8 7%
Vector 2 8 7%

Important Topics for JEE Advanced Paper 1

In Paper 1, questions are primarily asked from the following topics:

Important Physics Topics (Paper 1)

Important Topics for Physics (JEE Advanced Paper 1) 
Important Topic Weightage
Alternating Current 6-7%
Centre of Mass, Momentum, and Collision 6-7%
Electromagnetic Induction 21-22%
Fluid Mechanics 11-12%
Heat Transfer 6-7%
Modern Physics 9-10%
Optics 11-12%
Thermodynamics 14-15%
Sound Waves: 4-5%
Wave Motion and String Waves 6-7%

Also Check: JEE Advanced 2025 Syllabus

Important Chemistry Topics (Paper 1)

Important Topics for Chemistry (JEE Advanced Paper 1) 
Important Topic Weightage
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 14-15%
Atomic Structure 14-15%
Chemical Bonding 4-5%
Coordination Compounds 4-5%
Electrochemistry 4-5%
Hydrocarbons 13-14%
Organic Chemistry 11-12%
P-Block Elements 13-14%
Solid State 4-5%
Solutions 6-7%
Thermodynamics 6-7%

Important Mathematics Topics (Paper 1)

Important Topics for Mathematics (JEE Advanced Paper 1) 
Important Topic Weightage
Application of Derivatives 14-15%
Complex Numbers 6-7%
Circles 9-10%
Definite Integral 11-12%
Ellipse 4-5%
Hyperbola 6-7%
Limits and Continuity 6-7%
Matrices 11-12%
Parabola 11-12%
Probability 6-7%
Permutations and Combinations 4-5%
Sequence and Series 4-5%

Important Topics for JEE Advanced Paper 2

In Paper 2, topics from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics are equally important:

Also Check: JEE Advanced 2025 Admit Card

Important Physics Topics (Paper 2)

Important Topics for Physics (JEE Advanced Paper 2) 
Important Topic Weightage
Alternating Current 6-7%
Capacitors 9-10%
Current Electricity 6-7%
Electrostatics 6-7%
Gravitation 4-5%
Kinematics 4-5%
Magnetism 11-12%
Measurement and Errors 4-5%
Modern Physics 4-5%
Rotational Dynamics 29-30%
Vectors 4-5%
Wave Optics 5-6%

Important Chemistry Topics (Paper 2)

JEE Advanced Paper 2 Important Topics for Chemistry
Important Topic Weightage
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 9-10%
Chemical Kinetics 6-7%
Electrochemistry 4-5%
Equilibrium in Physical and Chemical Processes 6-7%
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes 6-7%
Hydrocarbons 6-7%
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen 9-10%
P-Block Elements 22-23%
Solutions 4-5%
Some P-Block Elements 6-7%
Study of First Element: Hydrogen 4-5%
Surface Chemistry 6-7%
Thermodynamics 4-5%

Important Mathematics Topics (Paper 2)

Important Topics for Mathematics (JEE Advanced Paper 2) 
Important Topic Weightage
3D Geometry 20-21%
Application of Derivatives 19-20%
Area of Bounded Regions 6-7%
Definite Integrals 13-14%
Differential Equations 4-5%
Limits and Continuity 6-7%
Matrices 4-5%
Probability 4-5%
Sets, Relations and Functions 4-5%
Theory of Equations 9-10%
Trigonometry 6-7%

Also Check: JEE Advanced 2025 Registration

Tips for JEE Advanced Preparation

  1. Analyze Previous Years’ Papers: Studying past papers can help identify patterns and important topics.
  2. Time Management: Allocate more time to challenging yet crucial topics.
  3. Conceptual Understanding: Focus on building a strong conceptual base.
  4. Mock Tests: Regularly take mock tests to improve problem-solving speed and accuracy.
  5. Maintain Well-being: A balanced diet, proper sleep, and stress management are essential during preparation.

By focusing on these high-weightage topics and following a structured study plan, you can enhance your chances of success in JEE Advanced 2025.


Chemistry is considered the easiest subject to score well in for the JEE Advanced exam. A solid preparation strategy in Chemistry can help you achieve a good score.

Some of the high-scoring chapters for JEE Advanced 2025 include Electrostatics, Mechanics (especially Newton's Laws and Kinematics), Electromagnetic Induction, Modern Physics, and Algebra in Mathematics.

Many students find Mathematics to be the toughest subject in the JEE Advanced exam.

Key topics in JEE Advanced Mathematics include Application of Derivatives, Definite Integrals, Matrices, Parabola, 3D Geometry, and Theory of Equations.