Chapter-Employment: Growth, Information and other Issues

Important MCQ questions for Class 11 Economics Chapter-Employment: Growth, Information and other Issues

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MCQ Questions set-1 for chapter-Employment: Growth, Information and other Issues class 11 Economics 

Economics - MCQ on Employment: Growth, Information and Other Issues

Class XI

Q.1. GNP or gross national product for a country in a year is equal to –

i) GDP

ii) GDP+ earning from foreign transaction

iii) total product of agriculture

iv) none of the above.



GDP+ earning from foreign transaction.

Expln. GDP= total money value of all the goods and services produced in a country in a year. When we add our net earning from export and import, (whether it is positive or negative) with the value of GDP we get the value of Gross National Product or GNP of that year.

Q.2. Those activities which contribute to the GNP are called

i) work,

ii) job

iii) economic activities

iv) none of the above.



economic activities.

Expln. The produce or earning of all economic activities taken together we get the GNP of a country.

Q.3. All those who are engaged in economic activities, in whatever capacity – high or low, are

i) economists

ii) activists

iii) workers

iv) none of the above.




Expln. Workers are the human capitals who are engaged in different kinds of economic activities and whose earnings are making positive contributions to the GNP and the development of the country’s economy.

Q.4. Find the odd man out-

i) owner of a saloon

ii) a cobbler

iii) a cashier in mother dairy

iv) transport operator.



a cashier in mother dairy.

Expln. A cashier in mother dairy is a regular salaried employee, while others are self employed.

Q.5. An estabpshment with four hired workers is known as

i) formal

ii) industry

iii) agricultural

iv) informal sector estabpshment.




Expln. Informal sector consists of private sector enterprises which employ less than 10 workers on regular basis.

Q.6. Find the odd man out

i) rickshaw puller who works under a rickshaw owner

ii) mason

iii) mechanic shop worker

iv) shoeshine boy.



shoeshine boy.

Expln. Because, he is not a salaried employee. While others are salaried employees.

Q.7. A situation in which the introduction of new technology causes displacement of workers is called –

i) disguised unemployment

ii) technological unemployment

iii) capital unemployment

iv) none of the above.



technological unemployment.

Expln. Technological innovation or invention imppes increased efficiency of a particular production system and it definitely leads to the curtailment of manpower in a production house.

Q.8. i) Industry

ii) service sector

iii) self employment

iv) none – is a major source of pvephood for both men and women in India.



self employment.

Expln. Self employment accounts for more than 50% of the workforce.

Q.9. Economists argue that over the years the quapty of employment has been –

i) deteriorated

ii) improved

iii) stagnated

iv) mix of all in India.




Expln. Quapty of employment in an economy can be judged by the following indicators

i) level of wages received by workers

ii) proportion of workers engaged in self employment, regular salaried employees and casual labour

iii) number of days during the year for which casual labourers were employed

iv) distribution of work opportunities among primary, secondary and tertiary activities, v) productivity of workers based on their levels of skills and educational attainments, vi) share of workers engaged in organized and unorganized sectors.

Q.10. Of late owing to the efforts of

i) ILO

ii) GDP

iii) NGO

iv) none India government has initiated the modernization of informal sector enterprises.




Expln.Workers and enterprises in the informal sector do not get regular income. They do not have any protection or regulation from government. Workers are dismissed without any compensation. Technology used in the informal sector enterprises is outdated. The informal sector enterprises do not maintain any accounts. Workers of this sector pve in slums. However, owing to the efforts of International Labour Organisation, Indian government has initiated in modernization of informal sector enterprises and provision of social security measures to informal sector workers.

Q.11. When the country’s labour force does not get opportunities for gainful employment, it is termed as

i) underemployment

ii) frictional unemployment

iii) open unemployment

iv) seasonal unemployment.



open unemployment.

Expln. Open unemployment refers to a situation in which a person, who is able and wilpng to work, does not get an opportunity to work at a prevaipng wage rate. E.g. there are 50 persons wilpng to work but only 30 persons are employed. Thus open unemployment is of 20 persons.

Q.12. i) structural unemployment

ii) disguised unemployment

iii) frictional unemployment

iv) excess unemployment – refers to a situation wherein more than required people are engaged.



disguised unemployment.

Expln. Disguised unemployment refers to a situation in which number of workers engaged in a job is much more than actually required and if some of them are withdrawn, total production will remain same. E.g., 6 persons are employed on a field. If 2 persons are withdrawn, total productivity remains unchanged. 2 persons will constitute disguised unemployment.

Q.13. When the worker cannot utipze his labour time fully or the income received from the work is not adequate is termed as

i) under unemployment

ii) open unemployment

iii) technological unemployment

iv) all.



under unemployment.

Expln. Underemployment means that those who are employed, are not fully employed time wise or are employed in such pursuits where their capabipties and quapfications are not fully employed.

Q.14. Many activities for the-

i) schools

ii) colleges

iii) corporate houses

iv) households, engaged in by women are not recognized as productive work.




Expln. Women’s household work is not recognized as work because it is a non-economic activity and is not measurable in terms of money. Women’s household work is not motivated by economic considerations but by moral, social and personal consideration. Women’s household work is not included in the GDP.

Q.15. i) low rate of pteracy

ii) a good number of highly educated people

iii) faulty education system

iv) none of the above is the reason of educated unemployment.



faulty education system.

Expln. The prevaipng educational system has failed to depver the goods.

Q.16. An economy can be divided into

i) one

ii) two

iii) three

iv) four sectors.




Expln. Three sectors are, primary sector or agricultural activities, secondary or industrial sector and tertiary or service sector.

Q.17. For analytical purposes, we can broadly classify unemployment in India into

i) one


iii) four

iv) four groups.




Expln. these two groups are, a) rural unemployment and b) urban unemployment.

Q.18. In India the incidence of unemployment is more pronounced in the rural areas. This rural unemployment can be divided into

i) one

ii) two

iii) three

iv) four categories.




Expln. these two categories are, a) seasonal unemployment and b) disguised unemployment.

Q.19. The number of persons actually working in a country is the

i) labour force

ii) population

iii) work force

iv) all of the same.



work force.

Expln. Employed labour force is known as work force.

Q.20. Worker population ratio refers to the proportion of

i) labour force

ii) work force

iii) unemployed

iv) none in population.



labour force.

Expln. It is referred also as labour force participation rate. The formula of getting this value is = labour force/ total population × 100.

MCQ Questions set-2 for chapter-Employment: Growth, Information and other Issues class 11 Economics 

Q.21. Entrepreneurial development has been considered necessary for generating

i) banking

ii) BPO

iii) self employment

iv) none of the above opportunities.



self employment.

Expln. Entrepreneurial development has been considered necessary for generating self employment opportunities. Our government has started some schemes which are aimed at developing entrepreneurial abipty among the people and guiding them in preparation of project reports for financial, technical and professional assistance in running their business.

Q.22. The Central Board of Worker’s Education was formed in 1958 for

i) skill development of the workers

ii) entrepreneurial development

iii) functioning of employment exchange

iv) none of the above.



skill development of the workers.

Expln. The government has recently put more importance on the quapty of employment through increasing labour productivity. In accordance with the statement in the Ninth Plan approach paper, the government of India set up the Central Board of Workers’ Education (CBWE) in 1958.

Q.23. The organized sector is divided into

i) one

ii) two

iii) three

iv) four sectors.




Expln. Pubpc sector and private sector are the two divisions of organized sector.

Q.24. Labour force is

i) equal to

ii) greater than

iii) less than

iv) not related to workforce of a country.



greater than.

Expln. Labour force is defined in terms of number of persons who are either working or looking for work. Workforce means employed labour force. Unemployment= Labour force – Workforce.

Q.25. Who is casual wage labourer?

I. Normally engaged

II. Employed in a farm

III. Owns a firm

IV. Casually engaged



casually engaged

Explanation: Casual wage labourer is a person who is casually engaged in other’s farm or non-farm enterprises and in return receives wages according to the terms of the daily or periodic work contract.

Q.26. What is the span for usual status of employment?

I. 1 Year

II. 1 ½ Year

III. ½ Year

IV. 2 Years



½ Year

Explanation: If a worker is actually employed for a period more than ½ year, it is known as usual status employment.

Q.27. What do you mean by jobless growth?

I. A situation whereby production increases without increase in employment.

II. A situation whereby production increases with increase in employment.

III. A situation whereby production decreases without decrease in employment

IV. None



A situation whereby production increases without increase in employment.

Explanation: Jobless growth refers to a situation whereby production increases without corresponding increase in employment.

Q.28. Women’s household work recognized as work or not?

I. Yes

II. No

III. Not sure

IV. May be




Explanation:Women’s household work is not recognized as work because it is a non-economic activity and is not measurable in terms of money.