MCQ-Based Questions for CUET Computer Science Chapter-Object Oriented Programming
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Practice Questions for CUET Computer Science chapter-Object Oriented Programming SET-1
Computer Science - MCQ on Object Oriented Programming
Class XII
Q.1 The methodology of designing and implementing programs using the key features and building blocks of a programming language is called
a) programming paradigm.
b) programming procedure.
c) programming function.
d) programming class.
Explanation: Paradigm refers to a way of doing things. A programming paradigm gives you an idea how problems are generally analyzed and solved in a particular programming language.
Q.2 Procedural programming is
a) the best programming method.
b) a programming method that localizes the implementation details.
c) a programming method, which implements oops concepts.
d) a programming method, which leads to increased time and cost overheads during design changes.
Explanation: Procedural programming is susceptible to design changes, which leads to many modifications in the code. This results in increased time and cost overheads at times.
Q.3 When a system determines how to implement an action at compile time, this is called
a) late binding.
b) static binding.
c) dynamic binding.
d) run time binding.
Explanation: Name binding is association of values with identifiers. The binding of names before the program is run is called static binding.
Q.4 ) When a system determines how to implement an action at run time, this is called
a) late binding or virtual binding.
b) static binding.
c) early binding.
d) compile time binding.
Explanation: Name binding is association of values with identifiers. The binding performed as the program runs is called dynamic binding or late or virtual binding.
Q.5 The limitation of object-based programming is
a) it’s inability to represent real world relationships.
b) that it overcomes shortcomings of procedural programming.
c) that it hides implementation details from users.
d) that it does not implement abstraction and information hiding.
Explanation: Object based programming does not support inheritance. For example both car and truck are vehicles, they cannot be represented in object-based programming.
Q.6 The limitations of object based programming is removed by
a) procedural programming.
b) object oriented programming.
c) object function programming.
d) structural programming.
Explanation: Object oriented programming offers all features of object based programming and removes the limitation by implementing inheritance and polymorphism.
Q.7 Procedural language paradigm gives more emphasis on
a) data than the work performed on it.
b) doing things rather than on data itself.
c) objects and classes.
d) principles of data hiding, abstraction and encapsulation.
Explanation: Procedural programming aims at procedures. It is a list of instructions telling a computer, step by step, what to do, usually having a linear order of execution from the first statement to the second.
Q.8 Hiding intricate details from the end user, is
a) not an essential principal of system design.
b) a conventional programming approach.
c) same as data abstraction.
d) a way to implement data abstraction.
Explanation: Encapsulation is wrapping up of data and functions into a single unit and it is a way to implement polymorphism.
Q.9 With software objects, we don’t need to know how a method is implemented; we just need to know which method to invoke and its interface. This is an example of
a) data abstraction.
b) data hiding
c) data encapsulation.
d) modularity.
Explanation: Through encapsulation, an inteface is made available to the world through which users can use the class
Q.10 A number of functions grouped and kept as a separate entity is called as
a) module.
b) abstraction.
c) polymorphism.
d) data.
Explanation: A group of functions together forms a larger identity called module.
Q.11 Argument matching in a function call is also known as
a) process of ambiguation.
b) process of disambiguation.
c) process of matching.
d) procedural ambiguity.
Explanation: Argument matching involves comparing the actual arguments of the call with the formal parameters of each declared instance of the function. It removes ambiguity.
Q.12 The concept in which the unessential features or background details are hidden from the world is known as
a) data abstraction.
b) encapsulation.
c) data hiding.
d) inheritance.
Explanation: Data hiding is a related concept to data abstraction.
Q.13 The act of representing essential features without including the background details and explanations is
a) data abstraction.
b) encapsulation.
c) data hiding.
d) Inheritance.
Explanation: Data abstraction is focussing on important features leaving behind the unessential part.
Q.14 An identifiable entity with some characteristics and behaviour is known as
a) class.
b) object.
c) group.
d) module.
Explanation: An identifiable entity with some characteristics and behaviour is known as Object.
Q.15 The class, whose properties are inherited by other classes, is known as
a) derived class.
b) sub class.
c) super class.
d) inheritable class.
Explanation: The capability of one class to inherit properties of other class is called as inheritance. The class which is inherited is called the base class or super class and the class which inherits from other class is derived class or sub class.
Q.16 The process of creating an object is called
a) object creation.
b) object formation.
c) instantiation.
d) instant object.
Explanation: An object is an instance of a class. It is the root of class hierarchy and the process of creating it is called instantiation.
Q.17 The property by which the same message can be sent to objects of several classes is called
a) data abstraction.
b) polymorphism.
c) overloading.
d) inheritance.
Explanation: Polymorphism is the ability for a message or data to be processed in more than one form.
Q.18 The class, which inherits the properties of other class, is called as
e) derived class.
f) base class.
g) super class.
h) inheritable class.
Explanation: The capability of one class to inherit properties of other class is called as inheritance. The class which is inherited is called the base class or super class and the class which inherits from other class is derived class or sub class.
Q.19 When we want to change gears on a motorbike, we don’t need to know how the gear mechanism works, we just need to know which lever to move. This is an example of
a) data abstraction.
b) data hiding
c) data encapsulation.
d) modularity.
Explanation: Through encapsulation, an inteface is made available to the world through which users can use the class.
Q.20 The programming technique, which focuses on the algorithm, is
a) procedural language.
b) object oriented language.
c) object based language.
d) structural language.
Explanation: Procedural languages are used in the traditional programming that is based on the algorithms.
Q.21 Usually, the data and member functions in a class are
a) public and private.
b) public.
c) private.
d) private and public.
Explanation: The data within a class is private i.e. the data is hidden so that it will be safe from accidental manipulation. The functions are public so that they can be accessed from outside the class.
Q.22 A function declared within the definition of a class is called
a) data.
b) method.
c) variable.
d) scope resolution operator.
Explanation: A class is a collection of data types and functions, which operate on them. The functions defined within a class, is called as member functions or methods.
Q.23 Member functions is function defined within a class that acts on
a) the data members in the class.
b) the data members outside the class.
c) the methods within the class.
d) the objects.
Explanation: There are two kinds of members in a class: data members and member functions. Data members are exactly like the variables in a structure and member functions act on data members in the class
Q.24 The class, which provides missing functionalities for its member functions, is called as
a) base class.
b) concrete class.
c) abstract class.
d) super class.
Explanation: Concrete class is the derived class that implements all the missing functionalities which are not implemented in the base class or abstract class.
Q.25 The class, which defines an interface, but does not necessarily provide implementations for all its member functions, is called as
a) base class.
b) concrete class.
c) abstract class.
d) super class.
Explanation: An abstract class is meant to be used as a base class from which other classes are derived.
Q.26 Inheritance is implemented in C++ using syntax somewhat like:
a) class <base class name>:<derived class name>
b) class <derived class name>:<base class name>
c) <derived class name>:<base class name>
d) class <derived class name>::<base class name>
Explanation:Inheritance is implemented in C++ by specifying the name of the (base) class from which the class being defined(the derived class) has to inherit from.
Q.27 C++ implements polymorphism through
a) virtual functions only.
b) overloaded functions only.
c) virtual functions, overloaded functions and overloaded operators.
d) polymorphism operators.
Explanation: Polymorphism is the attribute that allows one interface to be used with different situation.
Q.28 A function having more than one distinct meaning is called as
a) virtual function.
b) overloaded function.
c) overloaded operator.
d) polymorph function.
Explanation: Overloaded function has one name and different arguments.
Q.29 The function used to specify the interface in abstract class but its implementation details are made available by concrete class is called as
a) virtual function.
b) overloaded function.
c) overloaded operator.
d) polymorph function.
Explanation: Virtual functions allow the programmer to declare functions in a base class that can be redefined in each derived class.
Q.30 If, I use virtual function in the base class, then the
a) the derived class function would be called.
b) the base class function would be called
c) either of base class or derived class can be called.
d) both the derived class and base class function would be called.
Explanation: A virtual function is one whose behaviour can be overriden within an inheriting class by a function with the same signature.
Q.31 The process in which a function has several definitions which are differentiable by the number and types of their arguments is known as
a) function inheritance.
b) function overloading.
c) function overriding.
d) function polymorphism.
Explanation: Overloaded function has one name and different functions.
Q.32 A function’s argument list is known as
a) function’s parameters.
b) function’s members
c) function’s structures.
d) function’s signature.
Explanation: The signature of a function is roughly equivalent to its prototype definition.
Practice Questions for CUET Computer Science chapter-Object Oriented Programming SET-2
Q.33 When a function name is declared more than once in a program, and if the signatures of the two functions match exactly but the return types differ then
a) the second is treated as a re-declaration of first.
b) it is a compile time error.
c) it is a runtime error.
d) the second is treated as a different function.
Explanation:The second function declaration is treated as as an erroneous re-declaration of the first function and is flagged at compile time as an error.
Q.34 When a function name is declared more than once in a program, and if the signatures of the two functions match exactly then
a) the second is treated as a re-declaration of first.
b) it is a compile time error.
c) it is a runtime error.
d) the second is treated as a different function.
Explanation: Overloading is done of functions having different signatures. When a function has same number of arguments and same type of arguments in the same order, they are said to have the same signature.
Q.35 If, two functions having same name have int and unsigned int as arguments, then the functions are treated as
a) same functions.
b) different functions.
c) can be either same or different functions.
d) overrided functions.
Explanation: Signed–ness and const-ness are sufficiently different to tell functions apart.
Q.36 A call to an overloaded function is resolved to a particular instance of the function through a process known as
a) call matching.
b) definition matching .
c) declaration matching.
d) argument matching.
Explanation: Argument matching involves comparing the actual arguments of the call with the formal parameters of each declared instance of the function.
Q.37 The ability to reuse objects already defined, perhaps for a different purpose, with modification appropriate to the new purpose, is referred to as
a) information hiding.
b) inheritance.
c) redefinition.
d) overloading.
Explanation: A type of polymorphism, where different functions with the same name are invoked based on the data types of the parameters passed, is called overloading.
Q.38 The compiler tries to find the best possible match for the function call.
Matching process follows the sequence
a) by searching for exact match, a match through promotion, a match through standard conversion, a match through user defined conversion.
b) by searching for a match through promotion, a match through standard conversion, a match through user defined conversion
c) by searching for exact match, a match through standard conversion, a match through user defined conversion
d) by searching for exact match,then a match through promotion.
Explanation: The sequence is by searching for exact match, a match through promotion, a match through standard conversion, a match through user defined conversion. A call to an overloaded function is resolved to a particular instance of the function through argument matching.
Q.39Static binding is also called as
a) late binding.
b) early binding.
c) dynamic binding.
d) function binding.
Explanation: When a system determines how to implement an action at compile time, this is called early binding or static binding.
Q.40 Dynamic binding is also called as
a) early binding.
b) dynamic binding.
c) function binding.
d) late binding.
Explanation: Dynamic binding refers to the case, where compiler is not able to resolve the call at compile time and the binding, is done at run time only .
Q.41 The relation between objects based and object oriented programming is that
a) object oriented programming is subset of object based programming.
b) object oriented programming is superset of object based programming.
c) object oriented programming is same as object based programming.
d) both are a subset of procedural programming.
Explanation: Object oriented programming offers all the features of object based programming and overcomes its limitations by implementing inheritance.
Q.42 The features implemented by object based programming are
a) information hiding, abstraction, classes, function overloading, inheritance.
b) information hiding, abstraction, classes, function overloading, polymorphism.
c) information hiding, abstraction, classes, function overloading.
d) abstraction, classes, function overloading, polymorphism and inheritance.
Explanation: The object based programming is a subset of procedural programming. It implements some of the features of object oriented programming but it does not implement inheritance and thereby polymorphism.
Q.43 A class represents a group of
a) similar objects.
b) different types of objects.
c) different entities.
d) same variables and different data types.
Explanation: A class is a way to bind the data describing an entity and its associated functions together.
Q.44 The data that can be accessed only through the member functions of that class is
a) public data.
b) private data.
c) either public or private data.
d) protected data.
Explanation: Private data is accessible within a class only.
Q.45 The data that can be accessed by the non–member functions through the objects of that class is
a) protected data.
b) private data.
c) public data
d) local data.
Explanation: Public data is accessible even outside the class.