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CSS Full form

Full form of CSS

"Cascading Style Sheets" is the full form of CSS. It indicates how HTML elements should appear on screen. It is a powerful tool for web designers that allows them to change the design and control of the web pages as they should be displayed. It is supported by all browsers and is primarily intended to separate the content of the document from the presentation of the document.

It was developed by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) in 1996. The term cascading in CSS refers to the fact that you can apply multiple style sheets to a single web page. The extension used to save CSS files is ".css".

CSS Framework

CSS frameworks are pre defined libraries including-

  • Blueprint
  • Cascade Framework
  • Foundation
  • Bootstrap

Features of CSS

  • A global style sheet is used in CSS to make some changes in the style without much difficulty and also consume minimum time.
  • You can create one external style sheet and also can use it for many web page styling.
  • You can add a style sheet to the web page by just changing one line.

CSS Syntax

The CSS syntax comprises a set of rules. The rule-set has three parts, a property, a selector and a value as mentioned below:

  • h1 is the selector
  • color and font-size are properties
  • blue and 12px are values
  • The part of the syntax that contains the properties and the values is known as Declaration Block.

Advantages of CSS

  1. Saves time: Allows you to define a style for each HTML element. You can apply this style to any number of web pages.
  2. Easy to maintain: You can easily update document formatting and maintain consistency across multiple documents.
  3. Faster page loading: It allows multiple pages to share formatting, which reduces file transfer size, allowing pages to load faster.
  4. Platform Independence: It offers platform independence and also supports the latest browsers.
  5. Multi-device compatibility: It allows content to optimized for more than one type of device. You can present an HTML document in different display styles for different devices, such as computers, mobile phones, and printers.
  6. Superior styles than HTML: It has more presentation options than HTML. It allows you to improve the appearance of your HTML pages better than using HTML presentation elements and attributes.