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Full form of CGI

Full form of CGI

"Common Gateway Interface" is the full form of CGI. It serves as middleware between the WWW servers and external databases and information sources. The World Wide Web Consortium essentially defined how a device communicates with an HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) server using CGI. CGI is a technology that allows a web browser to send modes through a web server and connect to systems. Sending forms and linking to programs on the web is the easiest way for the internet site.

Characteristics of Common Gateway Interface

  • CGI is well-described and supported.
  • Scripts are usually described in either C, Perl, or perhaps even a simple shellcode.
  • It is a technique that enables HTML to the interface.
  • CGI is the best way to create a counter because it is the fastest.

Benefits of CGI

  • The advanced functions are much easier to implement in CGI as compared to the Java. Using the script previously written is often easier than writing your own.
  • CGI explains the programs are written in any language & on any platform as long as it complies with the standard.

cgi full form

Limitations of CGI

  • Generally, information among page loads can’t be so easily stored in memory.
  • There’s a large existing code base, a bunch of it in Perl.
  • CGI requires lots of intervals of time.

Working of CGI

  • First, artists create computer-generated graphics and then change the texture, color, and lighting to make the graphics look authentic.
  • These changes make the animation look natural rather than cartoonish. In action films, graphics are mixed with previously recorded footage.
  • In this scenario, in order for the final product to be seamless, the lighting on the visuals should match the lighting in the shot.
  • CGI was first used in the 1973 film "Westworld" by Michael Crichton.
  • It has been used in the movie "Star Wars" for several years. It was used in the movie "Jurassic Park" in 1993.
  • Other films have also used CGI, such as The Lord of the Rings, Avatar, The Matrix and many more.