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Full form of CNG

Full form of CNG

"Compressed Natural Gas" is the full form of CNG. It is a fuel can be used as a substitution for diesel, petrol, and LPG (liquefied petroleum gas). Burning CNG produces less toxic gases than the previously mentioned fuels. Natural gas is less risky in the case of a leak than other liquids because it is lighter than the air and disperses quickly when released.

History of CNG

  • The late 1800 model implemented natural gas as a fuel for automobiles.
  • The first natural gas engine was manufactured in the US. Shortly after the Second World War, Italy and many other European nations implemented CNG as their primary engine fuel.
  • CNG is used in oil reservoirs. It may also be obtained from sewage treatment plants and landfill sites.
  • It is brought to less than 1% of the normal atmospheric pressures by compressing natural gas. It is held at a pressure of 20-25 MPa and distributed in tough cylindrical and spherical tanks.

Properties of CNG

  • It is an colourless,  odourless and tasteless compound with the nontoxic and noncorrosive properties.
  • The primary use of CNG in automobiles is as a substitute for the gasoline.
  • The main component of the CNG is Methane.
  • It produces some greenhouse gases.
  • It is very healthy as it can easily scatters into the air.
  • It is derived mainly from natural gas wells, coal wells, bed methane wells and oil wells.

Does CNG Cost More than Gasoline or Diesel?

We have seen how it is very safe for the environment and how it is delivered to its prescribed place. Now comes the question of whether CNG costs more or less than petrol. CNG doesn't need to cost more than gasoline or diesel. It can be as much as half the price per gallon equivalent compared to a gallon of gasoline or diesel, as we have already seen that 98% of natural gas comes from North America, so it reduces our dependence on international oil markets, which in turn keeps CNG prices stable for all the people who would have to buy it.

Advantages of CNG

  • It is cheaper than the diesel and petrol used to run buses and other automobiles.
  • Particularly in comparison with the vehicles operating on diesel and petrol, the maintenance cost of cars running on CNG is low.
  • It’s more environmentally friendly as it releases less toxic and unnecessary gases than other alternatives, i.e., petrol and diesel.
  • It extends the life of lubricating oil as the crankcase oil doesn’t dilute and contaminate.
  • It requires a great temperature with an autoignition of 540oC or even more.