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Full form of ELISA

The full form of "ELISA" is Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay. It is a test that checks for the presence of antibodies in the blood. The human body produces antibodies when any infection affects your body. Antibodies are made to protect your body against infections or antigens. If there is an antibody in the body, it means that you are affected by any infection.

A human body is complex, which is why doctors also undergo complex methods to fight contamination. Using the abbreviation ELISA test, doctors monitor the number of antibodies in your blood sample. No antibody in the blood means that the body is not affected by any bacteria or virus. It is only a process of detecting the presence of the antibodies produced by the immune system.

Why is the ELISA test important?

Doctors will not be able to properly treat your disease if they do not detect it. With the help of ELISA test, the type of antibodies present in your body is revealed. The human body produces antibodies in response to the type of antigens. Once doctors can detect the antigens, they can quickly alert you to the disease you are a carrier of. The most important thing is that ELISA detects the disease in the first stage.

What are the key features of ELISA?

The ELISA test can easily detect antigens because it is preferentially sensitive. During an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test, you can undergo multiple tests at the same time because it can monitor a large number of samples together. However, not every hospital can arrange the ELISA abbreviation test. Performing an ELISA test requires well-trained technicians and modern infrastructure.

The ELISA procedure is not complicated because it does not involve a radiation counter or radioisotopes. There is no chance of a false result after the ELISA test. If you suspect an infection, take this quick ELISA test process. Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay test can draw attention to the disease in the primary stage, so you will have plenty of time for treatment.

What are the Diseases that the ELISA Test Can diagnose? 

  1. AIDS 
  2. Rotavirus 
  3. Toxoplasmosis 
  4. Lyme disease 
  5. Syphilis 
  6. Zika virus 
  7. Pernicious anemia

ELISA is frequently used as a screening tool before ordering more in-depth tests. If you are also experiencing signs or symptoms of any of the conditions listed above, your doctor may recommend this test. Your doctor may order this ELISA test if they want to rule out any of the conditions mentioned above.