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Full form of HTML

Hypertext Markup Language is the full form of HTML. HTML is a standard markup language that used assembly files that are displayed as a web page in browsers. With CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) and JS (JavaScript), this language becomes more engaging and attractive.

The term HTML describes a specific basic definition within it. Hypertext arises from a hyperlink, which implies links between many pages, and the label indicates that the specified items would be a layout of pages and items within them. The language includes both functionality and hypertext markup language.


  • HTML was originally published in 1993 by Tim Berners-Lee, founded in 1990. The WHATWG group officially works on application development.
  • The new version of HTML is attracting so much popularity because a number of additional features are associated with it.
  • All basic websites are composed of HTML and the software that runs on them, making them user-friendly and usable.


  • HTML is the most direct language. This language is understandable and easy to configure.
  • The language is so versatile that you can really create whatever you want, including text, which is a creative way to build websites together.
  • It can render clickable text as users can link from one page to another or website through these features.
  • Users can add pictures, images, gifs or sounds, whatever they want to make the website more attractive and understandable.
  • Such a language can be used to display files on any device such as Linux, Windows or Mac.


  • It is a commonly used language for coding websites.
  • Every browser supports HTML.
  • Creating websites is easy to learn and use.
  • The consumer does not need to buy additional software because it is included by default in every window.
  • User can merge HTML with JavaScript, CSS, PHP and so on.


  • If a customer requires dynamic web pages, HTML is not useful because only simple and static pages can be generated.
  • A user would have to write a lot of code to create a basic website.
  • Security requirements in HTML are not standard or acceptable.
  • When the user has to write a lengthy system to create a web browser, there is a certain challenge.