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Full form of ISO

"International Organization for Standardization is the full form of ISO". ISO is an international standardization body composed of the representatives of several national standardization organizations. It creates standards and guidelines for various businesses and purposes and publishes technical reports. Founded on February 23, 1947, the organization promotes worldwide patent, industry and trade standards.

ISO operates in 162 countries and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The name ISO is not an acronym, but comes from the Greek word isos implying equality, meaning that if two things reach the same standard, they must be represented equally.


  • ISO began as ISA (International Federation of National Standardization Associations) in the 1920s. Its production was discontinued during World War II in 1942.
  • However, after the battle, the newly formed UNSCC (United Nations Standards Coordinating Committee) submitted to the ISA a plan to create a new universal set of standards.
  • The three official ISO languages ??are English with Oxford spelling, French and Russian.

Types of ISO standards

There are mainly four types of ISO by which it can be categorized. Below are the four types of ISO:

  1. ISO 9000 - Quality Management - ISO 9000 is widely regarded as the gold standard for quality management. It establishes requirements for a quality management system to assist organizations in improving quality and customer service. The standard consists of a set of tools and procedures that companies can use to identify areas where they could improve.
  2. ISO 31000 - Risk Management - Every business decision carries a certain amount of risk. ISO 31000 provides a framework for businesses to manage these risks using best practices for identifying hazards and addressing their impacts.
  3. ISO/IEC 27000 - Information Security Management Systems - ISO/IEC 27000 sets out standards that businesses can use to protect their information assets. Also, companies that actually manage data such as intellectual property, sensitive customer data, personal data or finances can use these standards to ensure that their information remains protected at all times.
  4. ISO 22000 - Food Safety Management - ISO 2200 describes what an organization should do to ensure that the food we eat is safe for consumption or consumption by the public. This type of ISO standards includes standards that apply to all organizations, regardless of size, that deal with food safety.

Benefits of ISO certification

  • All the procedures you choose are measured, organized and explained to the employees.
  • Training new employees is easier.
  • Problems can also be found earlier and solutions are strengthened.
  • Improves consumer loyalty
  • A reasonable understanding of the client's needs.
  • You have a more reliable overview of your business
  • Suppliers do more than just partners
  • Connectivity is increasing.
  • Company employees will understand more
  • Employee engagement increases.