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Full form of LED

"Light Emitting Diode" is the full form of LED. It is an semiconductor device that emits the light when an electric current passes through it. When the current passes through the LED, the electrons recombine with the light-emitting holes. LEDs allow forward flow and block reverse flow.

Working principle

Light emitting diodes are semiconductor light sources that combine a P-type semiconductor with a higher concentration of holes and an N-type semiconductor with a higher concentration of electrons. Applying the correct forward voltage across the P-N junction causes the electrons and holes to recombine and release energy in the form of light.


LEDs are used in various fields, including warning systems, optical communication and security systems, robotics, remotely controlled operations, etc. Due to its long-term capacity, low power requirements, fast response time and fast switching capabilities, it finds application in many of these fields, such as e.g.;

  • It is used in various displays
  • It is used in the dimming of light
  • It is used in the automotive industry
  • It is used in TV backlight.

Types of LED

The different types of LEDs designed using the semiconductors are mentioned below-

  • Lighting LED
  • Miniature LEDs
  • Red Green Blue LEDs
  • High-Power LEDs
  • Flash LED
  • Alphanumeric LED

Benefits of LED

  • Energy saving: It is one of the most important reasons to consider LED bulbs. This technology is made to save 80% of energy. LED TVs tend to be more energy efficient than LCD TVs. In addition, LED energy does not generate heat and no special sound.
  • Long-lasting nature: LED lights are durable and can withstand long races. You can use an LED bulb for years, and at a reasonable price.
  • Eco-Friendly: Users consider LED bulbs because these items are eco-friendly and do not harm the environment. LED technology contains no cadmium, lead or mercury. The best thing about this non-toxic technology is that it can be recycled with minimal recycling. Impressive picture at low maintenance cost: LED TVs come with an impressive crystal clear picture with bright colors. In addition, LED lights operate with low maintenance costs.