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Full form of MCB

"Miniature Circuit Breaker is the full form of MCB". It is a kind of electronic switch that works automatically. It can detect a problem occurring inside a circuit by identifying an extreme amount of current in the circuit. If a large amount of power is available in the loop, it can break the loop at any time.

Fuses are often used as a substitute for circuit breakers. However, MCBs are a better option as they need to be reset by the user and it will start working again. It is designed to protect against malfunctions caused by overheating.

MCB function

  • The MCB is designed to protect against over current and over temperature faults.
  • When the current exceeds the defined limit, the MCB is automatically tripped and the loop is broken.
  • To reactivate, the MCB of the circuit must be switched on manually

Advantages of MCB

  • Up to 100A MCBs are used in motor feeders.
  • MCB is much easier to manage for both electrical equipment and people as compared to fuse.
  • With the help of a knob, it offers a better interface.
  • MCB can be reused and hence cheaper than fuse.
  • MCB is much more sensitive to current.
  • Users have to restart it by pressing the button.

Working mechanism of the MCB

For the MCB to work, a chain of reactions is arranged. As you have read MCB has bimetal wire. This metal wire will collapse in case of over current or overheating problem. This in turn opens the latch which is connected to the control mechanism. This will open the MCB and the MCB will break the circuit. The whole action takes barely 2 seconds to complete.

Once the process is complete, manual assistance is required to make the MCB work again. Just turn it on to reconnect to the power source.