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Full form of MMS

The full form of MMS is Multimedia Messaging Service. MMS is a revised form of Short Message Service protocol that includes multimedia messages. MMS improves communication by using a standard qualitative approach for the transmission and reception of multimedia messages that contain images, texts, graphics, audio files, video clips, etc.

MMS can only be used in electronic devices containing a certain service. and multimedia tools including devices are mobile phones, laptops, personal computers, portable devices, etc. GPRS and 3G networks are particularly suitable for use with MMS. MMS operated by GPRS works slowly and takes a considerable amount of time on the other hand MMS operated by 3G is fast and includes video streaming as well.


  • MMS was originally designed and developed as a limited technology. It allows quick and easy sharing of work with images, audio files and video clips.
  • In the case of MMS, at the beginning of the specified country period, the first and foremost active market for business purposes was China.
  • In the MMS traffic graph, there was a very rapid increase in the US around 2010 and 2013.


  • In the user's message, MMS claims to support images, emotions, audio files, graphics, video clips, while SMS only supports text.
  • MMS messaging not only allows the user to incorporate multiple styles and formats depending on how the user wants their text, but also allows for a remarkably long message transaction between multiple phones at the same time.
  • MMS content grabs the recipient's attention and users share or exchange an intentional message in no time. Video content has tremendous power with an average transmitter and receiver.


  • Due to different features and configurations, MMS created by one product mobile phone may not be compatible with another product mobile phone.
  • A large number of one-time MMS transactions can slow down the network data server.
  • Some misconfigured devices may not result in any suitable multimedia message transaction. Sometimes the user has never configured the settings, which also leads to delivery issues.