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Full form of MPEG

Moving Picture Experts Group is the full form of MPEG. It sets standards for audio/video encoding and transmission. MPEG standards are used for digital television, Blu-ray discs and streaming video. Its purpose is to reduce the size of digital audio and video files, making them easier to store and share. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) develop MPEG.

History of MPEG

Leonardo Chiariglione and Hiroshi Yasuda created MPEG in 1992. It functioned as a compression and transmission standard for digital audio and video.

  • MPEG-1 was the first version of the standard. Peoples used it to compress the standard definition video
  • In 1994, MPEG-2, used for high definition video compression.
  • In 1998 MPEG-4, used for audio and video compression.

Since its inception, it has grown into a large ISO working group. The MPEG meeting now attracts around 350 experts. Attract experts from over 200 companies and over 20 countries. MPEG meetings are held 4 times a year, in January, April, July and October. The first meeting took place in May 1988 in Ottawa, Canada. Available MPEG versions include:

  • MPEG-1: A set of audio-video standards and systems designed for digital storage media.
  • MPEG-2: A suite of digital television standards.
  • MPEG-4: A suite of multimedia standards for the fixed and mobile web.
  • MPEG-5: Video Coding Part Collection Standard.
  • MPEG-7: A set of standards for the retrieval and description of audio, visual and multimedia content.
  • MPEG-21: A set of standards that describe an open normative framework. For complex creation and consumption of multimedia. It gives all creators equal opportunities in an open market with MPEG-21 support. It provides consumers with interoperable access to a wide range of content.

Function of MPEG

The MPEG algorithm reduces the data size to a few bits. They then transfer those bits and decompress and then encode the video. It works using a technique known as discrete cosine transform (DCT). MPEG has a very high compression rate because it only stores the changes from one frame to the next. It doesn't preserve the entire frame, which allows you to reduce the overall file size.

When developing a standard, MPEG typically follows the following steps:

  • Determine the need for a standard
  • Gather the requirements
  • Request for proposals
  • Consider the suggestions
  • Technical progress

MPEG Properties

  • Smaller size compared to most formats.
  • Advanced compression techniques.
  • Superior audio and video quality compared to most formats.
  • MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG3, MPEG4 and MPEG7 MPEG21 are some standards.
  • There are many simple, inexpensive decoders.
  • All popular browsers support it.
  • Non-commercial, same as cross-bros
  • High resolution image and multi-channel sound technology.
  • It uses asymmetric compression techniques.


  • MPEG files generate high-quality duplicates of the original files.
  • The MPEG file format is compatible with most web browsers and can run on different platforms.


  • The compression ratio is low.
  • The files are large.
  • Because the file is large, it takes longer to open.