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Full Form of NCBS

NCBS stands for National Centre for Biological Sciences. Located in Bangalore, Karnataka, NCBS is a specialised research centre focusing on cutting-edge biological research. The NCBS faculty conducts research in four broad areas that span the study of single molecules to systems biology. Their research interests include studying biological systems' complexities and unravelling the living world's mysteries. With a focus on advancing scientific knowledge and developing innovative technologies, the NCBS is a hub of scientific discovery and exploration.

History of NCBS

The National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) was established in 1992 in Bangalore, Karnataka, as a part of the prestigious Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR). The centre's mission was to conduct cutting-edge research in biology and promote scientific excellence in India.

Initially, the NCBS started as a small research unit with a few scientists. However, over the years, the centre has grown to become a world-class research institution renowned for its innovative research in the field of biology.

Later in 2002, the NCBS moved to its current location on the sprawling campus of the University of Agricultural Sciences in Bangalore. The new campus provided state-of-the-art research facilities and allowed the centre to expand its research programs.

Today, the NCBS is a hub of scientific activity that conducts basic and interdisciplinary research at the forefront of biology. Its research interests range from the study of single molecules to systems biology, and its faculty includes some of the most eminent scientists in the world.

Major Research Areas of NCBS

Some of the major research areas of NCBS include:

  • Genetics and Genomics: NCBS researchers study a wide range of organisms, from bacteria to animals, to investigate the genetic basis of biological functions.
  • Neuroscience: NCBS has a vibrant neuroscience research program where researchers use techniques such as electrophysiology, imaging, and behavioural studies to investigate the nervous system and its functions.
  • Ecology and Evolution: Researchers at NCBS study diverse ecosystems to understand the mechanisms underlying the evolution and maintenance of biodiversity.
  • Chemical and Structural Biology: Researchers at NCBS use techniques to investigate the structure and function of biomolecules. Some of them are X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, and electron microscopy.
  • Physics and Mathematics in Biology: Researchers at NCBS use tools from physics and mathematics to investigate biological systems, such as the mechanics of cells and tissues, the dynamics of biological networks, and the physics of behaviour.
  • Animal Behaviour: Researchers at NCBS investigate the behaviour of animals to understand how they interact with their environment, including social behaviour and communication.

These are only a few names of the numerous research areas that NCBS covers. 

Additionally, NCBS offers a range of programs to promote education and training in the field of biology, including undergraduate and graduate courses, internships, and research opportunities for students. The centre also hosts workshops and seminars to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among researchers and students. NCBS is further home to the following research centres and programs where numerous researches and educational programs occur.

  • Chemical Ecology
  • Simons Centre for the study of Living Machines
  • Master's in Wildlife Biology and Conservation
  • Accelerator program for Discovery in Brain disorders
  • NCBS-Max Planck Lipid centre

Frequently Asked Questions on Full Form of NCBS

. What kind of research is conducted at the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS)?

NCBS conducts basic and interdisciplinary research in the frontier areas of biology, focusing on four broad study areas ranging from single molecules to systems biology. Further, the research interests of the faculty include cellular and molecular biology, genetics, and genomics. Additionally, research in stem cells, neuroscience, ecology and evolution, and computational and systems biology also occur here.

. Q2. What kind of facilities does NCBS offer to researchers?

NCBS has state-of-the-art facilities for research in various areas of biology, including imaging, genomics, proteomics, and computational biology. The centre also has animal facilities for research on a wide range of model organisms.

. Who can apply for research positions at NCBS?

NCBS welcomes applications from highly motivated individuals with a PhD or equivalent degree in any area of biology or related fields, as well as those with postdoctoral experience. In addition, the centre is committed to promoting diversity and encourages applications from individuals from underrepresented groups.

. How does NCBS collaborate with other research institutions and organisations?

NCBS has established collaborations with leading research institutions and organisations in India and internationally. Consequently, these collaborations enable researchers at NCBS to access a wider range of resources and expertise and projects of mutual interest.