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Full form of PNG

The full form of PNG is a "Portable Network Graphics". PNG was developed as an open system to replace GIF because one company owned the patent for GIF and no one else chose to pay royalties. It also allows full color gamut and higher compression.

PNG is a format for computer storage of bitmap or raster images. Often considered the successor to GIF images, it uses a smaller compression method to store images like GIF files, but without copyright concerns. It contains an indexed color bitmap, so it is also called a bitmap image.


The PNG format was established in early 1995. GIF contains only 256 colors, and this limitation of GIF contributes to the development of PNG and is the main reason for its implementation.

Applications of PNG

  • PNG supports different colors and patterns
  • The PNG format has solid colors and sharp edges, making it ideal for image editing.
  • PNG supports digital image compression.
  • PNG helps in creating comics, drawings, tables, creating logos, plans, graphs, etc.
  • Text such as letters, diaries, etc. can be scanned using PNG.


The full png format has several advantages over JPEG. Two of them are:

  • Compression is lossless in the case of PNG
  • The PNG format also supports transparency.
  • A PNG file supports many colors and patterns
  • The PNG format consists of full colors and sharp details, making it perfect for image editing.
  • PNG also supports digital image compression.
  • PNG helps in creating comics, drawings, tables, logos, plans, graphs, etc.
  • Text such as letters, diaries, etc. can be easily scanned using PNG.


  • Not great for large scale or large images as it tries to create a really large file.
  • Sometimes PNG produces larger records than JPEG.
  • PNG files cannot be animated.
  • Not all web browsers support PNG.