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Full form of TBT

The full form of TBT is "Throwback Thursday". It is a trend on social networks to upload nostalgic photos. It's spelled #tbt.

How does it actually work?

It's very simple to understand that users post nostalgic pictures from a different time period than the present on their account and then tag it with #tbt or #throwback thursday.

The trend actually saw a number of different people posting their past moments which could be funny, old clothes, her style and even something positive. The post can be anything and even something from past memory. It can be a childhood picture, old relationships, old songs, etc. Therefore, anything that brings back good memories, makes you nostalgic, could be uploaded using #tbt.

Social media trends

Social media trends can be defined as an activity that a large number of people can engage in. These trends can last a long time and can even have a very short duration. These trends are followed by people using social media apps like Instagram, Facebook etc.

Similar trends on social networks

Some similar social media trends like tbt are:-

  • Flashback Friday – This trend was no different from tbt as it involved uploading a nostalgic photo. Flashback Friday was very popular as it was an option to upload any image you forgot to upload on Thursday or maybe upload some old photos. To join the trend, it was necessary to upload images along with using the hashtag flashback friday or fbf. These are some of the things that are associated with going back in time because it became a growing trend before tbt became popular
  • Monday Motivation - It is a slogan and trend used on Instagram, Facebook and other social media. It involves posting inspirational, positive or outrageous messages with photos and hashtags to be uploaded on Mondays only. This trend also had its cause, it mainly happened on Mondays due to a common phenomenon known as the Monday Blues. The goal of this trend was to spread positivity among everyone using hashtags and help people who are lazy to get out of bed on Monday.


  • It has a very large audience
  • If you participate in a trend and your videos and photos go viral, you can get paid for advertising
  • You can establish your own brand through free promotion during these social media trends online
  • You can learn a lot of latest things and information from social media trends


  • Following trends does not always bring positivity and you may face negative feedback
  • Just like social media trends, you can suddenly go viral, and a sudden change in your life can lead to emotional turmoil and an unwanted amount of fame.
  • Using hashtags correctly can do wonders, but if you use them in the wrong way, it will cause a problem and you may face trolls