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VARC Full Form - Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

VARC stands for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension. It is a section commonly found in competitive exams (including CAT) and admission tests in India. The VARC section assesses a candidate's ability to understand and analyze written passages and evaluate arguments presented in them, as well as test their vocabulary and language skills. It typically includes questions on reading comprehension, summarization, sentence correction, vocabulary-based questions, and critical reasoning.

Verbal Ability

Verbal Ability refers to a candidate's proficiency in the English language and their ability to use the language effectively for communication. This section of the VARC assesses a candidate's understanding of the English language and their ability to use grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure correctly.

The skills that are assessed in the Verbal Ability section of VARC include:

  • Vocabulary: This involves testing a candidate's knowledge of English words and their meanings, as well as their ability to use vocabulary in context.
  • Grammar: This involves testing a candidate's understanding of English grammar rules and their ability to use them in sentences. 
  • Sentence Correction: This involves testing a candidate's ability to identify and correct grammatical errors in sentences.

The Verbal Ability section of VARC is important because it helps determine a candidate's overall English language proficiency, which is an important skill in both personal and professional settings. A strong performance in this section can demonstrate a candidate's ability to communicate effectively and understand complex written materials.

Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension is the ability to understand written material and extract meaning from it. In the VARC section, reading comprehension involves the assessment of a candidate's ability to understand written passages, analyze arguments presented in them, and evaluate inferences that can be drawn from the text.

The skills that are assessed in the Reading Comprehension section of VARC include:

  • Understanding Written Passages: This involves testing a candidate's ability to comprehend the main ideas and details presented in written passages. 
  • Analyzing Arguments: This involves testing a candidate's ability to understand and analyze the arguments presented in written passages.
  • Evaluating Inferences: This involves testing a candidate's ability to understand and make inferences based on the information presented in written passages.

Reading Comprehension is an important part of the VARC section, as it helps determine a candidate's ability to understand complex written materials, a skill that is essential in both personal and professional settings.

Types of Questions in VARC

The VARC section typically includes a variety of different types of questions that test a candidate's Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension skills. Some of the most common types of questions in VARC include:

Reading Comprehension:

a. Main Idea: This type of question requires the candidate to identify the main idea or central theme of a written passage.

b. Details: This type of question requires the candidate to understand and recall specific details from a written passage.

c. Inference: This type of question requires the candidate to make inferences based on the information presented in a written passage.

Verbal Ability

a. Vocabulary-based Questions: This type of question tests a candidate's knowledge of English words and their meanings.

b. Sentence Correction: This type of question requires the candidate to identify and correct grammatical errors in sentences.

c. Critical Reasoning: This type of question requires the candidate to analyze and evaluate arguments presented in written passages.

These are some of the most common types of questions that a candidate can expect to encounter in the VARC section.

Study Materials for VARC 

There are many different study materials that a candidate can use to prepare for the VARC section of competitive exams and admission tests. Some of the most effective study materials for the VARC section include:

  1. Books: There are many books available that focus specifically on Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension. These books can include practice exams, tips and tricks, and exercises to help a candidate improve their skills.
  2. Online Resources: There are many online resources available that focus specifically on the VARC section. These resources can include practice exams, tips and tricks, and online courses that can help a candidate improve their Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension skills.

Books for VARC

There are many books available that can help a candidate prepare for the VARC section of competitive exams and admission tests. Here are some of the most popular books for the VARC section:

"High School English Grammar and Composition" by Wren and Martin

"Word Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis

"Objective General English" by S.P. Bakshi

"The Pearson Guide to Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning for the CAT" by Nishit Sinha

"Reading Comprehension and Verbal Ability for the CAT" by Arun Sharma

"How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT" by Meenakshi Upadhyay and Common Admission Test Group

"Better English Pronunciation" by J.D. O'Conno