NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 13 Sharing Our Feelings
This page is created by subject matter experts of and consists of detailed NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 13 Sharing Our Feelings. All the questions asked in the NCERT textbook class 3 EVS for Chapter 13 Sharing Our Feelings are solved as per the CBSE requirements to score good marks in the school exam for Chapter 13 Sharing Our Feelings. Get chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for class 3 EVS prepared by experts.
Find below NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 13 Sharing Our Feelings
Q1. Seema’s father reads the newspaper aloud to her nani. How do you help old people?
Ans: I help my grandmother in remembering to take her medicines.
Q2. What kind of problems do people have in old age?
- They sometimes face pain in their bones.
- They face issues in hearing.
- They lack good eyesight.
Q3. How does Ravi bhaiya come to know so many things without seeing?
Ans: Ravi bhaiya comes to know so many things without seeing because he (in general, the blind people) has good hearing skills.
Q4. Have you ever needed a stick? When?
Ans: Yes, to pluck fruits from the tree in my garden.
Q5. Can you think when you may need a stick?
Ans: To climb a tree, rock or mountain, we might need a stick.
Q6. How do we help those people who cannot see?
Ans: By helping them cross the roads and climbing stairs.
Q7. Is there any member in your family who cannot see, speak or hear? Do you know any such person? How do people help them with their work?
Ans: No, there is no such person in my family.
Q1. Blindfold any one child in the group. One by one, the other children come to him or her quietly. The child who is blindfolded has to guess who the other child is, by touching him or her. Take care not to make any sound. Do you know why?
Ans: Sounds help people to locate things. That’s why we should not make any sound while playing this game.
Q1. How many children could recognise the others by touching?
Ans: Three of the children could recognise the others by touching.
Q2. How many children could recognise the other children by only hearing them?
Ans: Five of the children could recognise the other children by only hearing them.
Q3. Which was easier of the two?
Ans: Recognising by hearing is easier.
Q4. How many things can you recognise by only touching?
Ans: Many things such as fruits, vegetables, wood, water, cloth, soil, sand, etc.
Q5. By just smelling can you guess if it is someone close to you?
Ans: Yes, sometimes I can guess if someone is close to me.