Chapter 8 Flying High

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ChapterChapter 8 Flying High
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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 8 Flying High

This page is created by subject matter experts of and consists of detailed NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 8 Flying High. All the questions asked in the NCERT textbook class 3 EVS for Chapter 8 Flying High are solved as per the CBSE requirements to score good marks in the school exam for Chapter 8 Flying High. Get chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for class 3 EVS prepared by experts. 

Find below NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 8 Flying High

Q1. On my head I have a crest,

All say I dance the best,

Of my feathers I am proud,

Before the rain I cry aloud _________.

Ans: Peacock.

Q2. Long and grooved is my tail,

High up in the sky I sail,

I pick and eat all the mice.

The ________ is what you

call me.

Ans: Eagle

Q3. My feathers are green,

My beak’s red,

Guava and green chilli

I’m fed,

I love to imitate people’s voice,

And keep making a lot of noise ____________________.

Ans: Parrot


Black are my feathers and

black is my _____________.

kau-kau I do all day long _________________________.

Ans: Beak; Crow.


Koohu-Koohu is my sound,

Everywhere I am found,

My sweet voice gives me fame,

_____________ is my name.

Ans: Koel (Cuckoo)


Dead animals I do eat,

Making places clean and neat,

High up in the _______ I fly,

Vulture is what I’m called by.

Ans: Sky


My beak is pink, feathers grey,

Guter Ghoo I go on all day,

In houses I make my home,

A _______ is how I’m known.

Ans: Pigeon


My beak is very special,

I use it like a needle,

Stitching leaves I make my home,

The _______ bird is how I’m known.

Ans: Sparrow

Q9. Which of the birds mentioned in the lesson have you seen? Write their names.

Ans: I have seen the following birds- sparrow, eagle, parrot, pigeon and crow.

Q10. Now go outside and look for birds on trees, in water, on the ground, in and around bushes. How many birds could you see?

Ans: I can see 12 birds.

Q11. In the table write the names of birds and tick the place where you saw them. If you do not know the names of any bird then write how you would know it.


the table write the names of birds and tick the place

Q12. Given below are pictures of beaks of birds. Look at them carefully. Identify the birds and write their names.

Ans: Parrot, Crow, Peacock, Eagle, Crane.

Q13. Can you move your neck like the owl?

Ans: No, I cannot move my neck like the owl.

Q14. There are some birds which can imitate our voice. Do you know the name of any such bird? Draw its picture in your notebook, colour it and write its name.

Ans: Parrot can imitate our voice.

Q15. Other than birds, which are the other animals that can fly?

Ans: Mosquitoes, houseflies, honeybees, butterflies, etc.

Q16. If you could fly like a bird where would you like to go? What else would you do?

Ans: I would like to go high up in the sky and see how everything looks from such a height.

Q17. What would happen if birds could not fly but only walk on their feet?

Ans: They would not be able to enjoy the flight in the sky. They will be just like all other land-animals.

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