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Questions & answers for Chapter 13 Fun with magnets

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Chapter Questions & answers for Chapter 13 Fun with magnets
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Chapter 13 Fun with magnets Questions and Answers for class 6 Science

Find below Important MCQ-based objective questions for Chapter 13 Fun with magnets prepared for CBSE students. All the syllabus of Class 6 Science Chapter 13 Fun with magnets is covered with questions and answers. Each question is explained with a detailed solution. The entire syllabus of Chapter 13 Fun with magnets is covered in the following worksheet for class 6 science. For more worksheets for class 6 science click on the link and do check out NCERT solutions for class 6 science

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Class 6 Science Chapter 13 Fun with magnets Questions & Answer Set-1

Science - MCQ on Fun With Magnets

Class VI

Q.1. A crane, a sticker, a pin holder has a ________ to help hold tightly.

a. Diamond

b. Photograph

c. Magnet

d. Door


(c) A crane, a sticker, a pin holder has a magnet to help hold tightly. Magnet attracts metallic substances.

Q.2. Magnet was discovered by

a. A scientist

b. A shepherd known as Magnes

c. A politician

d. A king


(b) Magnet was discovered by a shepherd, Magnes while grazing sheep in hilly areas of ancient Greece.

Q.3. Magnet was discovered

a. By chance

b. After a scientific research

c. Chemical reaction

d. During digging


(a) Magnet was discovered bychancewhen the iron tip of his stick was attracted by the rock.

Q.4. Magnetite is

a. The name of a rock

b. Containing iron

c. First discovered at a place called Magnesia

d. All are correct


(d) Magnetite is the name of the rock that attracted the stick of Magnes. It contains iron. Some people believe that magnetite was discovered at Magnesia.

Q.5. Natural magnets

a. Are small pieces of certain rocks

b. Have a special property of attracting iron

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. None of these


(c) Natural magnets are small pieces of certain rocks that have a special property of attracting iron.

Q.6. Artificial magnets are prepared in shapes of _________ other than the bar shape.

a. Horse shoe

b. Cylinder

c. Ball ended

d. Horse shoe, cylinder or ball ended


(d) Artificial magnets are prepared in shapes of horseshoe, cylinder or ball ended other than the bar shape.

Q.7. Magnet attracts only certain materials. Such materials are called as

a. Magnetite

b. Magnetic substances

c. Non magnetic substances

d. Magnet


(b) Magnet attracts only certain materials. Such materials are called as Magnetic substances.

Q.8. __________________ are examples of some magnetic substances.

a. Zinc, Copper, Nickel

b. Iron, Cobalt, Nickel

c. Copper, Silver, Gold

d. Iron, Mercury, Chromium


(b) Iron, Cobalt, Nickel are examples of some magnetic substances.

Q.9. If we spread iron filings on a sheet of paper and place a bar magnet over them, the

a. The iron filings will be attracted uniformly by the magnet

b. More of iron filings will be attracted towards the center of the magnet

c. More of iron filings will be attracted towards the ends of the magnet

d. Iron fillings will be attracted only on the sides of the magnet


(c) If we spread iron filings on a sheet of paper and place a bar magnet over them, then more of iron filings will be attracted towards the ends of the magnet.

Q.10. Ends of the magnet are known as

a. Points

b. Terminals

c. Poles

d. All of these


(c) Ends of the magnet are known as Poles.

Class 6 Science Chapter 13 Fun with magnets Questions & Answer Set-2

Q.11. A freely suspended bar magnet always comes to rest in

a. North – South direction

b. East – West direction

c. Any direction

d. Upside down


(a) A freely suspended bar magnet always comes to rest in North – South direction.

Q.12. The end of the magnet that

a. Points towards North is called North Pole

b. Points towards south is called South Pole

c. Points towards North is called South pole

d. Only (a) and (b)


(d) The end of the magnet that points towards North is called North Pole and that points towards south is called South Pole

Q.13. The magnetic compass used to find directions

a. Is a small box with glass cover which has pivoted needle that can rotate freely

b. Has a dial with directions marked on it

c. North pole is painted in a different colour

d. All of these


(a) The magnetic compass used to find directions is a small box with glass cover which has pivoted needle that

Q.14. An artificial bar magnet can be prepared by

a. Rubbing it by the pole of another magnet without lifting

b. Rubbing it with the body of another magnet

c. Rubbing it a number of times by the same pole of another magnet in the same direction

d. Rotating on another magnet

can rotate freely. It has a dial with directions marked on it and its North pole is painted in a different colour.


(c) An artificial bar magnet can be prepared by rubbing it a number of times by the same pole of another magnet in the same direction

Q.15. If we bring North Pole of another magnet towards the North Pole of a freely suspended magnet, then

a. The suspended magnet rotates and the South Pole comes towards the North Pole

b. The magnets are attracted towards each other

c. There is no effect on it

d. None of these


(a) If we bring North Pole of another magnet towards the North Pole of a freely suspended magnet, then

the suspended magnet rotates and the South Pole comes towards the North Pole

Q.16. If we bring North Pole of another magnet towards the South Pole of a freely suspended magnet, then

a. The two magnets are attracted towards each other

b. The two magnets repel each other

c. The two magnets remain as they are

d. None of these.


(a) If we bring North Pole of another magnet towards the South Pole of a freely suspended magnet, then the two magnets are attracted towards each other because unlike poles attract each other.

Q.17. Interesting properties of a magnet are that

a. Each magnet has two poles

b. They rest in North-south direction

c. Similar poles repel each other whereas unlike poles attract each other

d. All the three


(d) Interesting properties of a magnet are that: Each magnet has two poles and it rests in North-South direction. Similar poles repel each other whereas unlike poles attract each other

Q.18. Magnets can loose their magnetic property if

a. They are heated, hammered or dropped from height

b. They are not stored properly

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. None of these


(c) Magnets can loose their magnetic property if they are heated, hammered or dropped from height and also if they are not stored properly

Q.19. Magnets should be stored in pairs such that

a. Their unlike poles are on same side separated by a wooden piece

b. Their like poles are on the same side

c. Their unlike poles are touching each other

d. Their like poles are tied together


(a) Magnets should be stored in pairs such that the unlike poles are on same side separated by a wooden piece.

Q.20. While storing a horseshoe magnet, we should place

a. Wooden piece across the poles

b. An iron piece across the poles

c. It in a piece of cloth

d. None of these


(b) While storing a horseshoe magnet, we should place an iron piece across the poles.