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Questions & answers for Chapter 4 Sorting materials

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 6
Subject Science
Chapter Questions & answers for Chapter 4 Sorting materials
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Chapter 4 Sorting materials into groups Questions and Answers for class 6 Science

Find below Important MCQ-based objective questions for Chapter 4 Sorting materials into groups prepared for CBSE students. All the syllabus of Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting materials into groups is covered with questions and answers. Each question is explained with a detailed solution. The entire syllabus of Chapter 4 Sorting materials into groups is covered in the following worksheet for class 6 science. For more worksheets for class 6 science click on the link and do check out NCERT solutions for class 6 science

Find below Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting materials into groups Questions & Answer

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Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting materials into groups Questions & Answer Set-1

Science - MCQ on Sorting Materials into Groups

Class VI

Q.1.The object made from ceramic is

a. chair.

b. table.

c. crockery.

d. almirah.



Explanation- Crockery is earthenware or tableware (eating and serving dishes). It is made of ceramic. Ceramic is a hard, brittle material made by firing clay.

Q.2.A magnetic material is

a. attracted by a magnet.

b. repelled by a magnet.

c. broken by a magnet.

d. melted by a magnet.



Explanation- A magnet attracts a magnetic material like iron piece is attracted by a magnet.

Q.3. An example of a viscous liquid is

a. water.

b. honey.

c. milk.

d. oil.



Explanation- The liquids which flow very slowly are known as viscous liquids. Honey flows slowly while water, milk and oil flow easily.

Q.4. The substance that can burn is

a. water.

b. sand.

c. glass piece.

d. alcohol.



Explanation- Alcohol can burn. Hence, used as a fuel in vehicles.

Q.5. Bay leaves, pepper, turmeric and cloves make a group of

a. cereals.

b. fruits.

c. spices.

d. pulses.



Explanation- Bay leaves, pepper, turmeric and cloves make a group of spices used in cooking.


Q.6. An example of water soluble substance is

a. glycerine.

b. iron fillings.

c. sand.

d. oil.



Explanation- The substances which can dissolve in water are called water soluble substances. Glycerine can dissolve in water and form solution.

Q.7. Cotton can

a. sink in water.

b. soluble in water.

c. float in water.

d. miscible in water.



Explanation- Materials lighter than water will float. Cotton is lighter than water. So, it can float.

Q.8. Classification is useful because

a. it makes studying the properties of things
much easier.

b. it makes things look neat and tidy.

c. it helps us in the school library.

d. it helps us in the kitchen.



Explanation- Classification helps in gaining systematic knowledge of things. It gives a general idea about properties of all members of a group and it is convenient to work with all members of a group knowing their properties.