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MCQ Questions for chapter-1 What, where how and when

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Class Class 6
Subject History
Chapter MCQ Questions for chapter-1 What, where how and when
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Chapter 1 What, where how and when? Questions and Answers for Grade 6 Social Science-History

Find below Important MCQ-based objective questions for Chapter 1 What, where how and when? prepared for CBSE students. All the syllabus of Grade 6 Social Science-History Chapter 1 What, where how and when? is covered with questions and answers. Each question is explained with a detailed solution. The entire syllabus of Chapter 1 What, where how and when? is covered in the following worksheet for Grade 6 Social Science-History. 

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Grade 6 Social Science-History Chapter 1 What, where how and when? Questions & Answer Set-1

History - MCQ on What, Where, How and When

Class VI

Q.6. The term “Indus’ in Sanskrit means

a. Saraswati.

b. Indrawati.

c. Hindu.

d. Bhadrawati.



Exp: The Aryans gave this name to the river. They recognized this river as the holiest river of India. Even the name India has been derived from this river.

Q.7. The Iranians and the Greeks migrated to the region around

a. 2500 years ago.

b. 2400 years ago.

c. 2300 years ago.

d. 2200 years ago.



Exp. They migrated to these places from the direction of the North-West. It means they migrated from the region of Southern Europe. It could be possible that they were one of the main branches of the “Aryans.”

Q.8. The migrating Iranians or the Greeks called river Indus as

a. Lindos.

b. Mindos.

c. Hindos.

d. Indus.



Exp: In many places instead of using Hindus they have even used the word Indus. Because of this the land to the east of the river was called India

Q.9. The name “Bharat” found its mention in

a. Sam Veda.

b. Yajur Veda.

c. Atharva Veda.

d. Rig Veda.



Exp: The name “Bharata” was used for a group of people, who lived in the northwest. This name is found even in the Rig Veda for describing the people. The name occurs in the ‘Dasrajayudh’ i.e… ‘War between ten kings’ mentioned in the Rig Veda.

Q.10. The earliest composition in Sanskrit was

a. Atharva Veda.

b. Sam Veda.

c. Rig Veda.

d. Yajur Veda.



Exp: The “Rig Veda” was composed in the Sanskrit language around 3500 years ago. Rig Veda is the oldest Veda it contains around 1800 hymns dedicated to different Gods and Goddesses.

Q.11. Manuscripts were mostly written on

a. stone.

b. palm Leaf.

c. mud tablet.

d. paper.



Exp: The manuscripts were mostly written by hand. The word manuscript comes from the Latin word “Manu”, which means hand.

Q.12. The “Birch” was used in the writing of

a. inscriptions.

b. manuscripts

c. epigraphs.

d. pillar edicts.



Exp: This birch is mostly found in the Himalayan region. The bark of this tree often separates into thin papery plates, which was used to write the manuscripts. This paper is practically imperishable, due to the resinous oil which it contains.

Q.13. In India “Prakrit” was the language of


a. elite class.

b. intellectual class.

c. ordinary people.

d. rich people.



Exp: “Prakrit” language was mostly spoken in the northern part of India. This language was not the official language of the state. It was the language of the people. Buddha used this language to preach his teaching.

Q.14. In northern India epics, poems, plays were mostly written in

a. Tamil.

b. Sanskrit.

c. Telugu.

d. Prakrit.



Exp: This was done so because Sanskrit was considered as the standard language. Its use was widely found among the highly educated class. The people like Kautilya, Kalidasa wrote in this language.

Q.15. The writings on hard surfaces such as stone or metal is called

a. calligraphy.

b. inscriptions.

c. archaeology.

d. inhibition.



Exp: Sometimes on these inscriptions kings got their order inscribed. This was done to ensure that people could see, read and obey them.

Chapter 1 What, where how and when? Questions & Answer Set-2

Q.16. The people who study the objects of the past are called

a. archaeologists.

b. archaiologists.

c. archeologists.

d. Archologists.



Exp. Archaeology is the science that studies human cultures through the recovery, documentation, analysis and interpretation of material remains and environmental data, including architecture, artifacts, features, biofacts and landscapes.

Q.17. The two tributaries of the river Indus are

a. Sabarmati and manas.

b. Gomti and Ghaghara.

c. Yamuna and Gandak.

d. Ravi and Jhelum.



Exp:Punjab is derived from the medieval Persian language, in which it means “land of five rivers" namely Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej, and Beas.

Q.18. The manuscripts are mostly found in

a. churches.

b. mosques.

c. temples.

d. palaces.



Exp: They are mostly found in the old temples. Besides temples they are also found in the monasteries.

Q.19. At present Kandahar is located in

a. India.

b. Pakistan.

c. Afghanistan.

c. Iran.



Exp. Kandahar is a historically famous place it is generally considered as a gateway to India. The Safavids of Iran and the Mughals of India continued to fight with one another over the possession of this place.

Q.20.The towns emerged in the Ganga valley around

a. 3500 years ago.

b. 2500 years ago.

c. 1500 years ago.

d. 500 years ago.



Exp. This was possible because the rivers facilitated quick transportation system and hence quite effectively helped the trade to flourish. This encouraged the rural people to come to this areas and settle down.

Q.21. The evidence of rice production first time in India comes from the

a. Southern part.

b. Northern part.

c. Eastern part.

d. Western part.



Exp. The Harappan people were first in the Indian Sub-continent to grow rice. The Early Harrapan people at Koldihawa first grew Rice. This place is located near Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh.

Q.22. On the basis of the evidences the agriculture in India dates back to

a. 5000 years ago.

b. 7000 years ago.

c. 6000 years ago.

d. 8000 years ago.



Exp. The evidence of agriculture was found in India from the North- Western part of India. The first evidence of agriculture was found from Merhgarg.