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Full form of SIT

The full form of SIT is a Special investigation team. The SIT is a special commission appointed for any particular case where the existing investigating agency has not conducted the investigation properly. In the constitution, no law prescribes a specific form of case that should be assigned to the SIT. It is usually high-profile cases that this team is assigned to. First, the SIT will submit its report to the trial court. It is then up to the court to accept or reject this document in full.

Important points about SIT

SITs are trained units of the Indian police force composed of personnel specialized in the investigation of complex crimes.
The SIT is deployed when it is found that the current agency is unable to conduct a fair investigation in a particular case or when a case is initiated against high profile individuals who can influence the investigation of the current agency.
When any case is presented to the court and the court finds that the existing agencies are not following the right path due to various reasons like compromise, bias, lack of resources, corruption, recording etc., then the court deploys a new agency to investigate the case.

How does SIT work?

  • The SIT is appointed by the Supreme Court of India or the state government.
  • The team investigates the case and reports to the court.
  • The report goes to all appeal levels for review.
  • The court has the power to approve or reject the report.
  • If the recommendation is rejected or not approved, the decision on the future of the case will be left to the appeals panel.