CUET Geography India People and Economy Chapter 8 Manufacturing Industries

ClassClass 12
ChapterCUET Geography India People and Economy Chapter 8 Manufacturing Industries
Chapter NameChapter 8 Manufacturing Industries
CategoryCUET (Common University Entrance Test) UG

MCQ-Based Questions for CUET Class 12 Geography: India People and Economy Chapter 8 Manufacturing Industries

This page consists of MCQ-Based Questions for CUET Class 12 Geography: India People and Economy Chapter 8 Manufacturing Industries with a detailed explanation of all the questions. All important questions for CUET Geography India People and Economy Chapter 8 Manufacturing Industries are covered. For chapter-wise MCQ-based questions on CUET Geography check out the main page. 

Find below CUET Geography: India People and Economy Chapter 8 Manufacturing Industries questions set-1

Geography - MCQ on Manufacturing Industries

Class XII

Q.1.Which is not a factor of industrial location :

a. Market

b. Capital

c. Population density

d. power


c) population density.

Q.2.The earliest

Iron and Steel plant to be established in India



c. Visvesvaraiya Iron and Steel Works

d. Mysore Iron and Steel Works.



Exp. TISCO stands for Tata Iron and Steel Company.

Q.3.The first modern cotton mill was established in Mumbai because :

a. Mumbai is a port

b. It is located near cotton growing area

c. Mumbai was a commercial center

d. All the above


d. All the above

Q.4. The nucleus of the Hugli Industrial region is :

a. Kolkata-Hoara

b. Kolkata-Rishra

c. Kolkata –Mednipur

d. Kolkata-Konnagar



Q.5. The second largest producer of sugar is:

a. Maharashtra

b. Uttar Pradesh

c. Punjab

d. Tamil Nadu



b. Uttar Pradesh

Q.6. The year which marks the beginning of organised industry in India:

a. 1854

b. 1857

c. 1865

d. 1852


a) 1854

Q.7. The leading producers of sugar in the country:

a. Maharashtra

b. Uttar Pradesh

c. Jharkand

d. Bihar


a) Maharashtra

Q.8. The year of opening Suez Canal:

a. 1869

b. 1868

c. 1861

d. 1879


a) 1869

Q.9. The place where TISCO is located:

a. Mumbai

b. Jamshedpur

c. Agra

d. Delhi



b. Jamshedpur

Q.10. The number of iron and steel plants in India:

a. Eleven

b. Seven

c. Ten

d. Seventeen


c) Ten

Q.11. The Cottonpolis Of India:

a. Delhi

b. Mumbai

c. Kashmir

d. Lucknow



b. Mumbai

Q.12. A largest Iron and Steel plant in India:



c. Visvesvaraiya Iron and Steel Works

d. Mysore Iron and Steel Works



Q.13. The year of beginning of First Five Year Plan in the country:

a. 1951

b. 1955

c. 1949

d. 1953


a) 1951

Q.14. The basic industry of the modern world:

a. Iron and Steel Industry

b. Iron Industry

c. Steel Industry

d. Oil Industry


a) Iron and Steel Industry

Q.15. Location of Vishveshwarya Iron and Steel Plant:

a. Bhadrawati

b. Jamshedpur

c. Bikaner

d. Agra


a) Bhadrawati

Q.16. The largest producer of sugarcane in the world:

a. Maharashtra

b. Uttar Pradesh

c. Jharkand

d. Bihar



b. Uttar Pradesh

Q.17. First jute mill was started at :

a. Niveli

b. Mednipur

c. Konnagar

d. Risra



d. Risra.

Exp. First jute mill was started at Risra in 1855

Q.18.First steel company was started in 1907 at:

a. Bhadrawati

b. Bhilai

c. Jamshedpur

d. kulti


c) Jamshedpur.

Q.19.Second most important agro based industry is :

a. Cotton textile

b. Jute textile

c. Sugar industry

d. Paper industry


c) Sugar industry.

Q.20.Knowledge based industries are related with the :

a. Manufacturing

b. services

c. Advancement of information technology

d. None


c) Advancement of information technology.

Q.21.Liberalisation on industrial development of India leads to :

a. Delicensing

b. Opentrade

c. Free entry to foreign technology

d. All the above



d. All the above.

Q.22.Vadodra is a hub of :

a. Cotton textile mills

b. Iron and steel manufacturing

c. I.T. Industry.

d. Petrochemicals.



d. Petrochemicals.

Q.23.Most of the Steel Plants are located in :

a. Son Valley

b. Mahanadi basin

c. Damodar valley

d. Indus valley


c) Damodar valley

Q.24.Which of the following is a seasonal industry :

a. Cotton Textile

b. jute textile

c. Sugar industry

d. All the above


c) Sugar industry.

Exp.Sugar cane is produced only in winters therefore sugar industry is a seasonal industry .

Q.25.Which of the following is not a petro- chemical industry :

a. Polymers

b. Synthetic fibers

c. Elastomers

d. Cotton textiles.


d. Cotton Textile.

Geography - MCQ on Manufacturing Industries

Class XII

Q.1.Bengal Iron and Steel industry was set up in:

a. Burnpur

b. Kulti

c. Asansol

d. Haldia


b. Kulti.

Exp This plant was set up in 1875.

Q.2.Tata Iron and Steel industry was set upin:

a. 1900

b. 1907

c. 1905



b. 1907

Exp.By Jamshedji Tata in Sakchi.

Q.3.Durgapur,Rourkela,and Bhilai plants were set up during second five year plan in:

a. Private sector

b. Public sector

c. Joint sector

d. None


b. Public sector.

Exp.They were established during1956-61.

Q.4.The main emphasis in the fifth five year plan was: a)On the production of export oriented goods.

b. On the production of food products

c. On the development of infrastructure

d. Poverty removal


a) On the production of export oriented goods.

Q.5.The electronics industry witnessed picking up in: a)Sixth five year plan

b. Fifth five year plan

c. Fourth five year plan

d. Seventh five year plan


a. Sixth five year plan.

Q.6.Radio, Television, cycle industries are the examples of :

a. Small industries

b. Medium sized industries

c. Large scale industries.

d. None


B) Medium sized industries.

Q.7.Jamshedpur and Bhilai plants are located at the:

a. Port

b. Raw material site

c. Away from the raw material

d. None


B) Raw material site.

Q.8.Viveswariyya iron and steel industry was established in:

a. 1920

b. 1923

c. 1908

d. 1910


b. 1923.

Q.9. Indian Iron And steel company(IISCO)was established in 1919 at:

a. Burnpur

b. Haripur

c. Kulti

d. All the above.


d. All the above.

Exp. These three plants merged together and together known as IISCO.It was brought under public sector in 1972.

Q.10.Which industry provides employment to over 5 lakh people:

a. Iron and steel

b. Cotton textiles

c. Small scale industries

d. Agriculture


a. Iron and Steel industry.

Q.11.India is the world’s ……largest producer of iron and steel :

a. Sixth

b. Fifth

c. Ninth

d. Seventh


c) Ninth

Exp. Indian iron and steel industry is developing very rapidly.

Q.12.The oldest iron and steel plant is:




d. Rourkela



Exp. Established by Jam shed ji Tata in 1907.

Q.13.The power loom sector accounts for ….of the total cloth production:

a. 50%

b. 60%

c. 40%

d. 56%


b. 60%.

Q.14.Handloom sector contributes nearly….of the total cloth production:

a. 20%

b. 19%

c. 23%

d. 12%


b. 19%.

Exp. It also contributes substantially to the export earning.

Q.15.Which of the following is called the cottonopolis of India:

a. Ahmedabad

b. Surat

c. Mumbai

d. U.P


c) Mumbai.

Exp. Mumbai is the largest centre of cotton textiles production.

Q.16.First sugar mill was established in:

a. Maharashtra

b. Bihar

c. U.P

d. Gujarat


b. Bihar.

Exp. It was established in 1903.

Q.17.Largest producer of sugar in India is:

a. Maharashtra

b. Bihar

c. U.P

d. Punjab


c) U.P

Exp. Uttar Pradesh is an important producer of sugarcane also

Q.18.Basic raw material for plastic industry is provided by :

a. Chemicals

b. Polymers

c. Fibres

d. None


b. Polymers.

Exp. It is a by-product of petroleum received after petroleum refining.

Q.19.Polymers are made from:

a. Ethylene

b. Propylene

c. Nylon

d. both (a) and (b)


D) Ethylene and Propylene.

Q.20. Integration of the economy of a country to the world economy is called:

a. Integration

b. Globalisation

c. Collaboration

d. None


b. Globalisation

Exp. Globalisation is the characteristic of present day economy of the world.

Q.21.IT industry accounts for ….of the total export of India:

a. 12%

b. 14%

c. 18%

d. 19%


b. 14%.

Exp. IT industry is growing very fast and employing more and more people in its core.

Q.22. Which of the following is a joint sector industry: a)Maruti udyog





a. Maruti Udyog.

Exp.This is a very popular brand of cars in India.

Q.23.H.M.T is a …….sector industry:

a. Private

b. Public

c. Joint

d. None


b. public sector

Exp. It is a very popular and old brand of watches owned by the government of India.

Q.24.Vijayanagar steel plant is located in;

a. Maharashtra

b. Karnataka

c. Orissa

d. Bihar



b. Karnataka.

Q.25.Share of IT industry in the India’s GDP is:

a. 10%

b. 5%

c. 2%

d. 4%


c) 2%.

Exp. But its share in the total export is substantial,i.e.14%.

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